{Chapter 2}

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Victor's Pov:

I am laying in my warm bed and stare up at the ceiling. My heart feels heavy. I have more to tell Yuri than he thinks. I can't return to skating, I simply can't, even if I want to..

"God... when was the next appointment again?". I grab my phone and opened the agenda feature. Tomorrow.. 09.30 AM... I think I can make an excuse to get away from Yuri for a bit. I can't possibly ask for him to come with me. That would be madness.

I should sleep now... it's already 11.50pm and I've read somewhere that your skin fixes itself between 00.00 and 02.00 AM! I have to keep those good looks!

As I close my eyes I feel myself falling into a deep... deep sleep... all my worries disappear and I dream...

{A time skip until the next morning, 09.00 AM}

"Yuri~" I walk into his room, still seeing the male asleep in his bed. I chuckle slightly as I sit on my knees next to his bed and look at him. "Yuri, I'll be going out to run okay?".

"Victor... how late is it?".

"Too early for you, you back to sleep..".

"I want to go run with you..".

I see the Japanese male sit up and I grow a bit nervous, gently pushing him down again.

"Yuri no~ you have to gain some more energy. You haven't slept well the past days and now I want you to stay in bed and try to sleep, okay?".

The male in front of me lays down again and I smile slightly. I wish I didn't have to lie in front of him. I get up and walk out of the restaurant, greeting his parents before I leave.

I soon reach the place for my appointment. It isn't far away, lucky me. I walk in and soon I'm in the small and white room.

"Mister Nikiforov, how have you been feeling lately?". I watch the older male in the white lab coat and a research map, reading whatever there has been written down about me.

"I've been feeling fine, are you sure there's something wrong with me?" I say with a polite smile. I don't feel THAT bad so.. can whatever I have be that bad?

"We are 99.9% sure that you have it. Have you taken the time off we recommended?".

He looks at me and I nod slowly. Though I'm lying. In not sick. I don't need rest. The only thing I need to do is make sure Yuri's dream comes true.

"Are you sure you don't want us to treat you here? There is no possibility of you ever getting better if you don't want to be treated. But we can only treat you if you stay here." he says with a slightly worried and irritated look.

I have said this many times to him. I don't feel sick so I don't want to be treated. I can't help Yuri if I'm stuck on a bed. "Really, I'm fine. I need to go and help someone now, when shall we plan the next appointment?" I ask as I grab my phone again and unlock it, seeing a message from Yuri.

[Jogging to the park now, see you there in five minutes so we can continue together?]

I frown slightly. But if that's what Yuri wants... I am 'running' after all.

[Yup! See you in five minutes! .3.]

The doctor looks at me with a confused look. "Mister Nikiforov, have you heard me?". I shake my head. "No sorry, what was the date again?".

"December 25th.".

I look up at him with a surprised look. That is on my birthday and that is when Yuri will have an important selection competition here. But I think I can make it. "Okay! Around 4.30 PM?" I ask and once the date is set, I leave.

I walk all the way until the last street. I then zip up my jacket and make sure my hair is slightly messier. I then jog around the corner and see Yuri. He sees me too and I smile.

"Yuri! Hi!" I say as I run towards him. He smiled too. He has already red cheeks. He must've hurried..

"Hey Victor, ready to go?" he asks as he stops his warming up. I nod and we start to run with each other. We reach the beach and decide to run over the sand.

"Say Yuri, are you scared for the selection competition?".

"Yeah... but as long as you're there to cheer for me I'm sure I'll do well..!".

He smiles in between his pants and I smile back. No... I can never tell him what's happening to me. That would break the boy. I can't do that to him. And I don't have to, I feel absolutely fine...

I'm fine...

I am totally fine..

As I'm running, I can hear a high tone ringing in my ears and my heartbeat pounds in my throat. I look to my right and see Yuri talking to me but I can't hear him.

Breath in through your nose

Out through your mouth



My breath gets stuck in my throats and I feel like I'm suffocating. My eyesight turns to black and I stop my feet. I feel like I'm going to pass out... I can't, I'm in front of Yuri!

After blinking a couple of times I regain my eyesight and the tone disappears. I take a deep breath and look at Yuri who is staring at me with a worried look, his hand on my shoulder. I smile at him and gently grab his hand, kissing it.

"I'm fine!"


Ooooh~ secrets secrets~ Victor what are you hiding~?

Dream~ {Victor x Yuri}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz