Chapter Six

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Nick in MM

  "Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her." ~ Lao Tzu   


 "It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength." ~ Maya Angelou


"How would you feel if I asked Julissa out." I asked Blake

"That's my sister dude, I don't think I want you guys to date." he looked at me as he took a sip from his beer.

"...You think i'm going to hurt her or something." 

"Actually... yes I do... and I don't want to have to kill you if you did." 

"I didn't know you actually cared for your sister." I chuckled.

"What makes you think that?" 

"You're always mean to her dude..." 

"I'm her big brother, i'm suppose to be mean to her." he laughed. "And I thought you didn't like her because when have you ever been nice to her?" he asked.

"I'm always nice, I just like to joke around a lot... they should know that already." I took a sip from my beer, "How do you feel about that girl Allison." I asked Blake.

"Shes too innocent." Blake laughed.

"I called her a goody to shoes, she probably hasn't did anything bad in her life." we both laughed.

"She just seems like that type of person. But i'm not going to lie she is kind of cute." Blake replied.

"You should ask her out, maybe she can change your take on girls." I said.

"Nope... I don't think I can trust a girl with my heart again, I'll pass on that one." he replied.

"Vivian really broke your heart like that dude." 

"...that's why I'm a jerk towards girls now, all of them are the same." 

"Not all of them, you just have to find the loyal ones." I grabbed the blunt from the table.

"Nope... all of them are the same." he took the blunt from my hand.

"If you say so... but did you ever apologize to your dad." I asked.

"Why would I apologize to him... he should stay out of my business." 

"Dude that's your father... and plus you're living in his house and he has rules that you should follow, if you want your personal space than you should find your own place." 

"You sound like my father now, please shut up." Blake laughed.

"I'm just saying dude... if you want your personal space... MOVE OUT." 



I couldn't believe my uncle was coming here out of all places he could visit he chose my house. 

I turned on the shower, waiting for the shower to get hot... I watched as the steamed filled up the bathroom. I sat on the shower floor and let the water run on me... I began to cry thinking about my uncle coming here, I don't know what I'm suppose to do...I don't know how I'm suppose to feel...I don't want to see him after what he did to me...why must he come here? 

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