Chapter Nine

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"I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind." ~ Neil Gaiman



"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." ~ Abraham Lincoln


"I've missed you so much." rob grabbed my waist. "You know that I love you right?"

"Let me go."

"I want to be with you forever." he tried to kiss me.

I dodged his kiss, I didn't want his lips coming in contact with mines.

"Why are you dodging my kisses, I thought we had something special." he squeezed my arm.

"You're hurting me, let me go." I kneed him in the balls.

he screamed from pain, still smirking at me.

"Now why would you fucking do that." he yelled at me.

there was nobody home... just me and rob.

I tried running to my room door so I could get out of there but he blocked it.

"Now where do you think you're going?" he smirked.

"I'm leaving as far away from you as possible." I was so scared.

"No your not... we are meant to be together." he pushed me to the floor.

"Please... why are doing this to me?" I cried.

"Shut up..." he held my arms down on the ground.

I couldn't fight back...

"I love you." he kissed my lips.

I spit in his face.

"Now... you didn't have to do that... you're making me angry." he said.

he felt down my body.

"Please... don't do this to me again... i'm begging you." I cried.

he slid his hand up my shirt... rubbing on my boobs.

"Get off of me." I screamed, trying to push him off of me but he was to heavy.

he just smirked at me.

"You know you want this."

"Get off of me."

he pulled down my pants... rubbing his hands on my private area.

I cried even more...

he pulled down my underwear... as he pulled down his.

"Please.... let me go." I couldn't move, I was so scared.

he laughed at me.

he slid his penis inside my entrance...

he started going faster and faster.

tears began to fall down my face.

"You like that." he smirked.

I couldn't speak... all I could do was cry... I wish someone was here to save me...

| A Fear In Love | ✔️ REWRITINGМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя