Chapter Twenty

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"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." ~Maya Angelou



"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."– Maya Angelou


( later that night )

I sat in the living concentrated on the wall as my mother walked through the front door our eyes met. I watched as she sat her belonging's down so we can chat.

"How was your date with Mike?" I asked, with a smile plastered on my face."Did you do anything exciting?"

My mother came and sat beside me on the couch. "It was great..."

"Why don't you seem that excited?" I asked, looking over at her.

"It's not that I'm not excited, it's just that he asked me to marry him."

"Mom!" I squealed. "That's exciting news, you and Mike are cute together and it's not like he's a bad guy or anything right?"

"I know Allison," She said. "It's just that, marrying someone is a huge commitment and I do love him but I just don't know if I'm ready to remarry. My last marriage wasn't that great."

"Mom if you're not ready for that huge commitment, then just explain that to Mike." I said. "He will understand, if you tell him how you feel and if he doesn't well forget him."

"How would you feel if I did decided to say yes to his proposal?" She asked, looking over at me. "I just need sometime to think over somethings before I could give him a valid answer."

"Mom if he makes you happy then I'm fine with it. Mike is a pretty good guy so I don't have any worries," I replied. "I will support you every step of the way, the same as you did for me."

My mother pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you Ally."

"I love you too mom," I smiled. "So mom do you want to watch some Netflix?"

"What show do you have in mind?" She asked. "We can watch that show black is the new orange."

I chuckled a little at her response. "What?"

"The show where the girl goes to jail," She said, looking through the shows on Netflix. "Oh- I think the show is called orange is the new black."

"Yeah mom," I placed a pillow on her lap, placing my head on the pillow. "I don't think I ever told you this but thank you for everything mom. I don't know where I would be without you always being here by my side. You honestly helped me through everything. I couldn't ask for anyone better."

"You're going to make me tear up Allison," She chuckled. "You don't have to thank me for anything. This is my job to always be here to protect you."

My mother rubbed her fingers through my hair as we watched the first episode.



"I didn't know you knew anybody in town." Rob friend Willy spoke as they made their way towards Allison's house.

"Yeah, my niece moved here a couple of months ago." Rob smiled. "I haven't seen them in along time so I thought I could pay them a visit."

"Oh, how long are you staying in town?" He asked. "I could have came and visited earlier if I knew you were here."

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