Chapter 29

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I ate Buffalo sauce on EVERYTHING and in EVERYTHING. I ate it with chips, grits, eggs, potatoes, burgers, ribs, ANYTHING. Plus I was bloated and constipated but I chopped that up to my cycle. The ONLY time I had a bowel moment was when my cycle came on so I was used to constipation. It was the fact that I exercised EVERY DAY and my stomach went nowhere, by now it's the middle of April.
I had a big feeling that I was pregnant but I wasn't going to jump to conclusions and tell my mom unless I knew for sure. I did so many online surveys and quizzes about "pregnancy" because I didn't have the balls to go take a test. I just wasn't ready to face the reality that I would be pregnant and not know who the father was because I never used a condom or kept up with my monthly.
I had sex with those guys weeks part so it should have been easy for me to know who was the father but since I didn't keep up with my changing cycle, I had no clue when I got pregnant. The last period I remember was in February so I didn't even trip about any of that. I just let it go. Since I had an appt. for my yearly pap I didn't really trip, because they do pregnancy test automatically when you come in for an appointment.

Memories Back Then Pt 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang