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Time flew, like it literally flew. After Jace and I had sex, I thought for sure that Id have gone in labor and would be dilated enough for them to either take her or my water to break but it didn't. By now I was HIGHLY upset, because we had sex when I was 36 weeks the day I turned 36 weeks at that. That's when everyone was like the day I have her would be a day I completely forget about wanting to have her. She'd come unexpected they said and I should've listened.
I was 37 weeks, and 1 day mad because she'd come on her real due date (Thanksgiving) since she hadn't arrived as early as everyone kept predicting thanks to those doctors. I went to the hospital for contractions, they'd gotten 8 minutes apart and we thought for sure she would come that same day but she was just playing and soon relaxed so they discharged me the next day to go home. I couldn't be home alone so I went to my great great aunt's house that next morning, November 10th.. she cooked us breakfast, Grits, eggs and sausages which I of course ate all together, mixed in. Because it wasn't going all the way down, I drunk some Pepsi hoping it would help being that I was dehydrated and it didn't. Instead of it going down, it ALL came back up but I was used to it so I didn't really trip. My food hadn't stayed down since I'd find out what I was having. Another aunt of mine was supposed to be bringing me something else to eat, but she let my cousin take me instead so I decided to let her do my hair so when I had baby my hair wouldn't get unmanageable.

Hours fly by, and my cousin's finally about to start on my hair -- we're at one of her friends' house and it just so happens she has a little sister who goes to school with me who is also pregnant, and we're already cool so we all laughing and talking about how we're both pregnant and I'm telling her about my pregnancy experience when I start feeling real bad pain. I'm sitting on the floor getting my perimeter braided and my cousin bursts out, "You gone have that baby tonight," I burst out laughing cause I'm not taking her ass serious. We all chilling, when baby started kicking the hell out of me and I was hurting so bad I had to stand up, my big ass knew better than to be sitting on the floor on top of a thin ass pillow when the floor was wooden anyway but I swore I could still do everything I used to before I got pregnant but I was wrong asf, it took me 10 minutes to get up. We were FINALLY going to get Lana (gone give her that name, other pregnant girl) some food and me too cause I was ALWAYS in the mood to eat. We went to get something to eat but since we were both undecided, we went to take one of her big sisters to meet her love thang or whatever she prefers to call him, it was just now getting dark, around 7 something and we went back to her house -- whole time I'm complaining because I'm uncomfortable asf still feeling pain and shit.

My cousin ass like, "You gone be in real labor before I take Yo ass to the hospital, they ain't gone send your ass home tonight." So we make our way to McDonalds where I get me an order of fries, and a lil burger because I still don't know if that's what I want. Then we head to my house because I'm not in the mood for shit no more and I'm hurting bad asf but then we get there and my mama ass ain't at home. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I start crying hard asf cause a bitch hungry asf then we go to Taco Bell cause that's where Lana want food from and I want some Pink Lemonade from there. When we get to the drive through, I try to eat the rest of my food and drink my drink but my nerves bad asf so my hands keep shaking when my hands go to my mouth or my cup, and I start snapping out because I'm hurting and hungry. I just want to go to the fucking hospital so they can stop these contractions and I can eat. We go back to Lana's house to drop her and her sister off, but I have to go get my stuff out the house but I can't even walk far enough to the house to go get it and I can't talk so I'm stuck bout to fall and shit when my cousin tells her son to help me to the car and the normally 10 second walk down their driveway to the curb turned into a 15 minute thing because her son half my size and less than half my age. 😤 By now, I finally get to the backseat and I'm super pissed now. We make it to the hospital, but since my cousin called them on our way there they're waiting on me with a wheelchair and I'm bout to faint hell.

As we wait for my mama to show up, she finally does her and my little brothers and a couple of my friends and I'm so mad I'm punching the hospital bed. Contractions, THE REAL ONES, ain't no fucking joke at all. Considering how mad  I was, I didn't even curse I was so proud of myself. My blood pressure was high when I got here, I was 7 centimeters but because I be decided to get "epidural" that morning before they discharged me I had to wait on them to get it before I could deliver. Jace's grandma came in, I don't know who called their ass but YEAH THEY SHOWED UP, and she wanted to "talk" to me and my mom so everyone left the room, Jace being last because I told you he ain't respect his grandma, we all had to make him leave. Once everyone left the room, she decided to tell my mama how I didn't know who my baby's dad was. 🙄 Now I was beyond pissed off because that wasn't HER place to tell MY mama shit, I was going to tell her on my own after he DNA test was done. All I did was confirm for my mom and tell Tre she irritating me and needs to get out cause I'm grown and she ain't MY grandma and she doesn't have to take care of my child so she need to mind her damn business because I NEVER asked her to do anything for MY child. That's when she decided to lie to my mom about how, "We tried to be in her life to help with the baby and she wouldn't let us." I just laughed hysterically because it was CLEARLY a lie and asked her why she was still there. 💆🏾

It was an hour later when I was my full 10 centimeters, but my water hadn't broke so they were waiting on my epidural and for it to break. It was 10 when I got the epidural although I'd experienced all my labor pains so they still deemed it a natural, no pain relief Birth. 🙄 By 10:31, I had a beautiful baby girl but the crazy part is I didn't push her out they had to keep me woke because the epidural was putting me to sleep being that all my pain had been over. 💀

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