Chapter 32

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Now You knooow MY dramatic panicked, I deadass started having a panic attack. I was like "Congratulations for what?! Tf You mean congratulations, I'm bout to die soon" Her ass said "Congratulations, You're pregnant." Now before I could even respond my mama had walked in on the "You're pregnant" part and looked me dead in the eyes.. I couldn't read her expression, so You know I ain't say shit not to her not to anyone. It's like on cue them tears started falling.
After that, the nurse left and then my mama asked me: 'Did you know you were pregnant before we got here?' I, being the honest me, responded "No but I thought I was but last week when I got my pap they told me I wasn't so I decided not to tell you." She just sat there and stared at me, I just KNEW I was bout to get MY ass beat until I lost that baby but my mama shocked me and simply said "Well it's too late now, it's done. You got to live with this, I'm disappointed but I can't be mad. I'm gone be here for You because no one came around for me until AFTER I had You and Your brother. I had no one during my pregnancy."
She then left to take my brother home, and said she'd be back to come get me. By now, my little brother knew I was pregnant cause he'd walked in on the speech. He didn't say anything, he was just looking and watching everything go down. The tension was so thick.

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