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The LAST chapter is next because I thought I may as well go ahead and finish it and do a sequel for those who care about my daughter and I's progress.

I'm still open to talk to ANYONE ;
Twitter: xDeAseiaaa
Facebook: JaNessha Strong (Bitter Becky)
Snapchat: xDeAseiaaa
Text: 6624793416

If You're interested in a sequel, contact me or simply comment on this or want frequent updates on MY daughter add me on Facebook I update a status about her DAILY because I'm obsessed with her literally. 😂🤦🏾‍♀️ Also share / like and comment on these chapters for me. Thank You, also MY other story "Picking MYSELF Up" will now be MY focus, PLEASE share that one EVERY CHANCE You get, it could possibly help someone and I'm hoping that it does.

Memories Back Then Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now