Chapter 36

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You know that I was in the military, always exercising so now did You realize why my cycle was so irregular or Yall still need a moment to think about it? Since I know the truth now, and everything began to add up. I tried to control my feelings and reactions more because I was petty asfuuuck before I found out about this baby. All the clues and signs were there, I just ignored them because I was at a point in my life where I was happy one minute and depressed asf the next.
   Don't get me wrong, I was like this MOST OF MY LIFE but now it could be justified. 😹 It explained why one day in the cafeteria, I was with my girls and thought about what Tywuan and I had and broke down. To me crying is a form of weakness so for me to cry it had to have really hurt me to the core. Then I cried in front of people, people I didn't like and all. The crazy part is it started as a THOUGHT and the tears started falling so fast that I couldn't stop them.
       My best friend, Kelai was trying to make light of the situation because she knew it wasn't me and responded "The world must be bout to end, Jay crying." Of course my goofy ass laughed but then I thought back about why I was crying and cried harder like so hard my stomach hurt. So hard that I had to hold on to Kelai to keep from falling to the ground. They weren't silent tears either, I was crying like I'd just gotten an asswhooping and THAT wasn't me.

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