Chapter 30

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Arriving at the Women's Clinic the following week, I was nervous as hell. Because all the signs of MY being pregnant were there but I just wasn't sure. I didn't know or want to find out, whether I was or wasn't pregnant -- I JUST DID NOT WANT TO KNOW. I got there, waited and while I waited I decided to pass time by texting Kjay. Kjay wasn't any help ofc because he wanted me to have his baby anyway, so he was like 'Man what if You are pregnant with my baby 🙂' I shut his ass down real fast because he a whole hoe out here fr.
    I know You sitting there wondering as You read this how I feel like I have room to talk when I fucked 4 niggas in the past two months.... 🤡 I mean I think it was 4, IK about 3 for sure but idk if Jace and I had sex . But Yeahhh, before I knew it time had passed and I was in the examination room. As usual, I stripped out my bottoms and covered up with the paper slip they give you then waited on the doctor after the nurse had came and questioned me. I got my pap and shit gutted like a bitch so You know I cried.
    After the nurse left, the doctor told me how I wasn't pregnant and gave me the usual holier than thou bs about waiting until marriage. Now I believe in GOD, heaven and hell but EVERYTIME I came she wanted to give me a speech and shit like she a preacher instead of my doctor. 🙄 I finally got out of there and went home and took a nap.

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