Chapter 33

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As soon as my mom left, I cried myself to sleep. I slept for a good two hours before I woke up and decided to call my girls, Yani and Kira. See Kita already had a baby boy so I was sure she'd understand where I was coming from being young and all. I called her first and told her the news, of course she wasn't shocked because we'd been talking about the possibility of me being pregnant for the longest. She wasn't convinced either when the women's clinic said that I wasn't pregnant so we had both just decided to wait it out.
   Next I called Yani, and I knew I'd get a laugh from her ass cause the bitch was silly as hell.  Now she wouldn't be serious for nothing but I eventually told her the news and she was so excited like she was the one about to be losing her figure and shit. She knew all about me and Kel so she felt like I should tell him but I didn't want any drama cause he stayed wts. We stayed on the phone for another hour because she wanted to make sure I was okay mentally.
   After I had told both of them the news , I hung up and waited on the nurse to come back cause I felt some type of way. I mean YEAH, I prayed that something life threatening happened or that I got pregnant but THAT'S ANOTHER STORY. ☠️ I wasn't used to being all emotional and shit I was usually that friend with no filter who didn't show any signs of weakness, so they had me too tight.
    It was another two hours before the nurse finally came back and told me I could leave. They also made me a follow up appt at the women's clinic for n ultrasound. On the ride back home, ofc tension was still thick because now my mama's bf was there and I had to tell him myself. 😓 He was my dad, well he was my father figure. We were so close and he took care of me so everyone thought he was my real dad. I told him after bout 10 minutes of silence and tension, he too was disappointed of course.

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