Chapter 45

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"I know that we been going through some thangs, but just keep it real is all I'm saying. I was the one loving you, I was the one to comfort you. Call me when you need me, I was the one coming through."
    - Sydney Renae 🚶🏾‍♀️

*4 years earlier*

Jade was dating this guy, Chris and she had settled. No he didn't make her happy and she wasn't attracted to him, she just believed in giving everyone a fair chance so she gave him one after he constantly nagged her about it. One day, she and her bestfriend were over at his house when this black ass, fine dude came over there to hang with them. She couldn't even front like she wasn't feeling him, but she didn't usually go for his type because she was already afraid of the dark so what she need with a nigga black as the dark ...

there was no putting off the sexual tension there and everybody knew it was there so when her and Chris broke up, she still went over there because her bestfriend fooled around others Chris's older brother. One day, her and some lil neighborhood kids decided to walk to her Bestfriend's house and chill and Chris's friend decided to tag along. Someone they made it past her bestfriend's house and kept walking with dude, YES BITCH IT'S TWAN!!!! But they continued to walk, and she eventually wound up in Twan's room with him and they laid up watching movies until the sun began to set. Of course they had sex, she'd never known it was possible to get her cat ate from the back until the day she fucked Twan. But afterwards when Twan was getting ready to take her home was when he started panicking and shit because he apparently had a girlfriend out of town. 🙄💀 No, Jade didn't know because he'd told her he was single everytime she asked him so you know she snapped and decided that she could walk herself home which she did and decided that that chapter was over in her life but sis, YKHTG.

Weeks go by and Jade finally starts to be cordial or hold conversations with Twan again because apparently he'd told his girlfriend and they'd broken up which really wasn't a shocker to Jade. What shocked her was when Twan asked her to be his girl now of course it put her on the edge because they say how you get them is how you lose them. They dated for awhile but he decided he wanted to be with the other girl so he was dumping her and she was okay with it because she knew it would happen eventually. He's a senior and she's in 10th grade, so they had to see one another everyday around school. When she decided it was time for her to move, the rumors started. The usual rumors when a girl sleeps with a guy, he was going around telling people Jade sucked his dick so it wasn't soon before she hated him and back then Jade BARELY got genuine male attention so it was really hard for her to know if dudes actually wanted her because of her or for sex. He made her life so miserable spreading lies that she hated going to school. She barely had friends so she felt alone when it came to stuff like this. Plus she had a fro so just imagine how she was picked on and put down because she "sucked dick" and didn't comb her nappy ass head. It was the WORST YEAR of her life and she just wanted to drop out and be home schooled.

The end of the school year came and finally she was able to get rid of him, but that summer was the ultimate break down. Like a typical female, Jade did everything she could to win Twan back despite the bullshit ass rumors he spread because she loved him or maybe it was his sex, the head was energizing. He invited her to his house one evening and foolishly she went believing the lies he told her about how they'd talk about how to fix their relationship. One thing led to another and they ended up having sex and he told her how he was just mad at his girlfriend so he'd used Jade because he knew she'd do anything he wanted if he told her the right things. Although that should've been her breaking point, she began to cry and couldn't help but beg him to take her back and leave the other girl but he said he owed her that much to be with her because she'd forgiven him for cheating. 😒 But he'd just cheated again so he couldn't have loved her like he made her think. She was begging when there was a knock at the door and Twan answered it and put her out.  Standing there was her big brother, Twan and him were the best of friends, so he never chose sides in what  Twan and Jade had going. Her big brother offered to walk her home, she reluctantly took it and cried all the way there complaining to him but she couldn't get her brother to beat Twan up and come between their friendship no matter how bad he treated her. That day walking home she vowed that she'd get over him and make him regret leaving her and that's exactly what she did.  That didn't stop him from telling the world how he'd fuck and put her out though.

In the three years that followed, she did everything in her power to get over him and forgive him although he didn't feel bad about the lies he spread or regret anything he'd done. It wasn't long before he was trying to come back though, apologizing and begging but Jade wouldn't budge, she'd dealt with him enough and wasn't going to give in but when she finally did forgive him she fell right back in his trap which is how the present took place.

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