Chapter 47

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"I almost let go, I felt like I just couldn't take life anymore. My problems had me bound, depression weighed me down 😔😩"
- Kurt Carr

3 Months Earlier

Jace's over my house and we're all kicking it watching tv when it grandma shows up to pick him up because we have school in the morning ... She waits in the car and I, of course walk him out to the car. His grandma and I are tight as hell, like she's MY grandma we so close; we can talk about anything. My mom asked him if he'd told his grandma and he was like no, so mom told Jace that he should tell his grandma that I was pregnant because I'm always around and I'll eventually start showing and she didn't want his grandma to be shocked. So we get outside and I'm quiet because I'm pissed off cause he'd told me he had told me the night we found out I was pregnant. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Normally when I see her I'm all excited but I was tired as hell and didn't have any energy being that I started having symptoms AFTER finding out that I was pregnant plus it wasn't MY place to tell her she was HIS grandma not mine.

Jace then threw me under the bus with,
"Grandma, Jade has something to tell you."
Her: "Wassup, what's wrong? Why you so dry?"
I roll my eyes because I mean WHY TF HE DO THAT WEAKASS SHIT and I didn't want to tell her so I'm like he just playing or whatever I don't have anything to tell you. Then she was like well I'm gone let you go in the house it's a lil cold out here, so I turned around and went back in the house. Then I texted him snapping cause wtf ... He then goes he gone tell her sooner or later.

2 weeks later

I was walking across the street with some friends when Jace's grandma stopped at the crosswalk to drop him off cause apparently he'd skipped and went home. As he was walking back to the building she called me to the car, so I reluctantly went to see what she wanted. Once I made it to the car, she didn't waste any time asking me if I was pregnant and was Jace the father because apparently he'd told her "She's pregnant but it's not my baby that's why she was acting like that." Me being my petty self, I was like "He's lying, yes he's the father" because I mean if You feel You NOT the father You shouldn't have told her that bs. Then I walked off and went to class.

When I made it home that evening, Jace called me when he got out of football practice asking me what me and his grandma talked about so I told him. He got mad, but I didn't give a slight fuck because IT wasn't his business to tell mine if he felt the way he felt. He then told me to tell his grandma that I was just playing because she'd apparently bought him condoms so this wouldn't happen. I did as he asked and that's when she started interrogating me asking me how I didn't know who my child's father was so I then had to explain to her how I didn't know when I got pregnant and her ass tried to argue me up and down that it wasn't possible to have an irregular cycle. 🙄😂 Like tf? MY cycle been irregular MY WHOLE LIFE so wtf You mean it's not possible, but I ignored her ass and eventually stopped dealing with her because she was stressing me tf out.

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