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😊 Text: 6624793416
😊 Twitter: xDeAseiaaa
😊 Facebook: JaNessha Strong (Bitter Becky)

To those of You who haven't realized it, this book is based off MY life. It could be an actual book or movie right. 😣 I thought I should gone ahead and tell You all that instead of just having You all waiting on updates and etc. 😩 I KNOW Ya'll wondering WHY I would tell a story about MY OWN life , well not a damn story it's an autobiography (changed the names of the people who played a role) but I was writing this for one of my old friends to be able to relate to.

If You haven't noticed, I've been through a lot. Most of it of MY own doing. I would say don't judge me but people judged Jesus. 😓 So FUUUUCKEEET 👌🏾 I continued to write pass the heartbreak parts because it helps me cope.

I'm ALREADY KNOWING that You're having a wtf moment but that above is MY secret to tell. Writing is how I stop myself from overthinking. No, I won't delete the story later because it's my story to tell and I'm sure it'll help someone out there who is going through more than me. 💔 I was never one to be a follower but I'll say this in regards of this story:

"If You can't beat them, join them."

I said that because as You can see I'm telling MY BUSINESS AND SECRETS before anyone I've trusted with them can.

Wtbs ;

Now that I've told MY secrets and all that, if You want to talk about ANYTHING that You feel You can't talk to anyone else about just let me know. 

* YES, it'll be confidential. I don't tell people's secrets, not even to my best friend. 👐🏾 so Yeah, if You want to talk about ANYTHING just hmu through my email or social media accounts. ( all listed above )

Memories Back Then Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now