Chapter 8

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"Don't look at me like that, I'm trying my hardest!" I muttered breathlessly as I placed my hands on my waist.

"Just keep trying, come on! All you have to do is knock me off my feet. Do the routine we just practised!" Danny ordered.

"You're like a brick wall, I can't move you!"

A ghost of a smile appeared on his face.

We had been training for three days straight and he had put me on punching bags and weights so far, today was my first day actually attacking someone. And it was all a secret which made me even more excited. If I could actually do this, which seemed unlikely right now, I could beat their asses. No more threats to send girls after Chelsea and I. The thought of kicking that scummy brunette made me bloodthirsty as I pounced forwards, lifting my knee unexpectedly and watching with a smile as Danny doubled over in pain.

"Nice move, but you haven't pinned me to the ground yet. I like your 'take me by surprise' tactic though, keep that up and you'll be kicking my ass by the summer!"

Danny was teaching us how to be rebellious delinquents, much like Harvey and Tate. We are working on all aspects of our characters, from our fighting skills to our naturally catty personalities. I never realised how much being a gang member entailed.

After I unsuccessfully pinned him, Chelsea, Danny and I sat around a pizza, stuffing our faces.

"So, I'm thinking, once you've finished training and stuff, you could show Harvey and Tate what you've got, ruffle their feathers a little."

"As long as they only take it out on her and not everyone else." Chelsea added with a stuffed mouth.

 "Gee, as long as we're in this together." I sarcastically commented.

Danny rolled his eyes at the both of us and forced us upwards.

"Round two, let's go!"


We spent four hours straight training.

 It was relaxing in a way, it helped me get my mind off  of things. My mind was filled with horrible thoughts from a couple of days ago. I had gotten over it...somewhat. The images still haunted my mind, but I had accepted that I couldn't let it slow me down, I couldn't let anything slow me down.

Danny swung from behind and I grabbed his fist, making him raised an impressed eyebrow.

"Learning quick."

I gave him a smirk and skipped away to the showers, apparently Chelsea needed more work. It was so weird how we had gone from such simple computer nerds to such angry fighters in training. 

I ran inside the room and skipped inside of the shower, scrubbing any trace of sweat or dirt off of my skin. My handcuffs had been removed for goodness knows why so I could shower easily, not that I was complaining. I couldn't help but wonder how two guys had gotten so many supplies, how they were so involved in such crime at such a young age. They had workers here ten, twenty years older than them that still bowed down and kissed the ground they walked on.

I wrapped a towel around me tightly and threw on my PJ's that I had taken with me. It was only six o'clock in the afternoon but I didn't let that stop me, it's not like we had anything to do. 

Letting us go to the gymnasium was an honour for us, they didn't let us anywhere else. Others were aloud to go shopping, on holiday, some were even aloud to see their families! They could attend parties and meetings and actually have a say in their lives, everyone in the gang except us.

I hadn't gotten used to the vile word but accepted the fact that I had no idea where the hell we were but we were even further away from home.

I opened my door and let out a shriek of surprise when Harvey lay on my bed, reading a stray magazine that I had left on the bed.

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