Chapter 26

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I was surprised that I was still breathing when I woke up, I guess they weren't completely done with us. 

Chelsea handed me a small smile.

Her face was bruised and stained with blood. Her lip was cut open and she had a pretty gnarly looking bruise under her eye and on her cheekbone. I blinked down at her thigh to see blood leaking out of it/

I can't even imagine how I looked. My ribs ached and it was an effort to sit up. 

The room we were left in looked the same in the daylight, it wasn't too shabby surprisingly.

"Your wrists hurt yet?" 

I tried to move my tightly rope bound wrists and let out a small groan.

"Yep. How long were you out?" I asked.

"I was out for five hours, you a good seven."

"What are they going to do with us?" 

She shrugged her shoulders. 

A few minuets later the door entered. Lily walked in.

She wore tight fitted shorts and thigh high boots. Her hair was in a tight bun with pieces messily falling out of it. The shirt that she wore exposed a majority of her boobs.

She let out a small laugh.

"And to think, you were just getting in their good books."

The look on her face told me she was here to intimidate. And from the expression on Chelsea's face she wasn't succeeding.

"Ally, I've never liked you. You tried too hard and it was annoying."

"That's why you were so eager to be my friend, isn't it?" I said with a laugh.

Chelsea snorted beside me.

"I'd watch that mouth if I were you. I think you're forgetting who's got the power here." She hissed.

"You're about as harmless as a fly." I spoke.

Her hand lashed across my face. I moved my head back to face her after the hit.

"And you're way too predictable." 

"You think you're cute, let me tell you something. The only reason they're keeping you alive is so they can get a hit on Maxine." 

"Max?" Chelsea asked.

"Yes. You're little friend is a key witness in all of this. She knows where the house is, she knows everything. She, and any of your other little partners, are going to be slaughtered. Just like your parents."

I sucked in a breath.

"You expect me to believe they killed my parents?" Chelsea said.

"Oh they didn't." Lily spoke with a small laugh. "I did."

 Chelsea's grip on the bed sheets tightened, her fists were white. A sinking feeling hit my chest and I couldn't get rid of it. 

I couldn't break down now.

I looked up when another person walked through the door. It was Tara.

"It's my turn to watch them, get lost." Tara said to Lily.

Lily gave her a hard look but Tara matched it with her own. Lily walked through the door, tossing us a dirty look on her way out. 

Tara pulled a first aid kit from under her shirt and crouched in front of me.

"Why's Blondie helping us?" Chelsea asked.

"You tell me." I said quietly.

I expected her to take their side when we left.

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