Chapter 27

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I sat opposite her, trying my best to block out the riot going on outside. A pounding came on the door and Chelsea pressed herself against it tighter with a squeal.

"I overheard him one night talking on the phone. He was saying Tate was planning something big and he had to stop him before he got out of control. And it was his job to stop him. He said he wasn't going to back out of the deal."

"What deal?"

"I don't know! He just said he needed time to stop him. He was talking about arresting him. He caught me staring at him and shut the door in my face."

I paced nervously.

"This is so crazy, Harvey has killed people! Young boys and girls, he's kidnapped them and...and killed them. It makes no sense." I exclaimed. "He can't be Chels." 

She bent down as she thought of every possible answer to our crisis.

"What the hell is going on out there? There's so many secrets and I'm done! This is never going to end. Harvey may be a cop, but that won't stop Tate, or Chris."

The door was kicked open and Tate headed straight for me. I felt the slicing pressure of a cool knife against my throat and began to choke.

"Try to stop me and I'll kill you." He spat.

I whimpered as he tightened the knife.

"Tate please don't do this." Chelsea begged. "You're not angry at her, it's me. It's me you're angry at, just leave her alone and take me."

He went silent before I felt his dark chuckle brush against my neck. One hand was removed from his neck and in to his pocket, when I saw the gun I screamed.

"You're right, actually. I am angry at you."

He pointed the gun directly at her and without a second glance, fired.


The bullet hit her straight in the chest. I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran towards her but he held me back.


I felt a sharp pain my back and fell to the ground. I couldn't turn around, I couldn't see what it was. The scream that roared from my busted lips echoed throughout the area and for a moment, everything was silent.

My body gave up and went numb, my head lay on Chelsea's lap. I couldn't move, I was frozen.

I sobbed quietly as blood escaped my body. 

A large pool was being made next to me and I was left to watch it. Tate stared at me and raised his gun. I passed out before he could shoot.


I felt numb.

Every inch of my body was numb.

My eyes blinked open and adjusted to the light. I was in a hospital.

How did I get here?

I trembled when I saw Chris sat beside me. 

"Ally, it's okay."

My eyes widened when I saw Jason. I held him tightly against my chest and cried.

"Chelsea...where's Chelsea?"

He pulled back, his eyes were brimmed with tears.


"S-She d-didn't. N-No Jason...S-She's not..."

"Ally I'm so sorry."

The scream that followed was enough to cut everyone off.

My head pounded with every blow it received.

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