Chapter 25

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Five months later.

The last touch of gloss was added and my lips were swiped to perfection.

My hair fell in faded pink curls down my back, while some framed my dramatically painted face. My dress was on the verge of being inappropriate but held elegance that no strip club dress could hold. 

I was ready.

The car pulled around the corner and I got inside, drumming my fingers on my knees gently as the music played. 

He turned a corner and the City hit me. Lights, bright and blinding that drew your attention at every second. Music so loud that the city bounced with life. No place for old souls this was.

The sleek black car pulled up in front of The Plaza.

One of the biggest casinos worldwide lay in front of me. My sparkling silver shoes shone as I stepped out of the car.

I walked through the doors where the guards gave me civil nods and my night came to life.

People were everywhere. Boards were being spun, money was being thrown into the air, girls in skimpy dresses kissed counters as they were spun into the world of betting.

This was my new home.

I scurried past everyone and got to the back where the staff room lay. It was darker and quieter than the other place, but almost twice as dazzling.

I made my way to the kitchen where trays were lined up.

The chef gave me a nod and an appreciative whistle as I picked one up and balanced it on my hand.

"Do good out there Ally." Des said with a naughty grin.

I winked at him and threw open the doors.

The music was louder and brought a shimmy to my step as I strutted through the crowd of people. The drinks on my tray gleamed a bright blue liquid as I lowered it to a group of young men that passed. 

They grabbed the drinks without sparing me a glance, I ignored it.

More people came from the door, I grinned as I made my way over. I lowered my tray and a handsome looking man took it, he looked to be in his late thirties with graying hair but still looked divine.

He tossed me a grin as he sipped the drink and walked away.

Max came from the opposite corner with a huge smile on her face as she dashed through the people.

She bumped my hip playfully and I followed her to the kitchen to refill the tray.

"Fun night huh?" I asked.

"It's only getting started!" She exclaimed, earning a loud 'woop' from the kitchen staff.

"How many have these have you had?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I don't know...four...maybe five." 

 I laughed at her behaviour and wished her good luck as we made another round around the huge casino. Laughter filled the air followed by loud cheers.

A dark eyed boy met my gaze and then dropped it slyly. He walked from my view and I followed him with my eyes.

I ducked my head and continued to serve drinks. When my tray was empty I made my way back to the kitchen, moving quickly through the crowd of people.

"May I have one?" A voice asked.

I turned to see the dark eyed boy with the ghost of a smile on his lips as he stared me down.

The Nerds And The Gang Leaders.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora