Chapter 30

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Dear Max,

How long has it been? Too long, let me guess.

You know, I used to think this whole 'write a letter' thing was stupid, humiliating in fact. But it's not so bad.

Hmm let's see, the last time I wrote I was on the verge of throwing myself out of a window. I had written when we landed at the hotel and Harvey wouldn't leave me alone, when he told Casady, aka friendly Australian, to look after me.

She mistakes his concern for sympathy for me. Little did she know.

It has been five months and we've moved from California to New York, to China, to Singapore and finally to Spain. I know, what a journey. 

It's succeeded in my mission on clearing my mind, I only think about Chelsea a couple of times a day and I sleep much better.

I was talking to a lady before, she told me I had to let go of the past and focus on the positive memories. I found myself hesitant. It was like I was forgetting her, she laughed at that and told me that I wasn't forgetting her. I was cherishing her name.

I stick to myself most of the time, but everyone's lovely. I can't help feeling like the outsider that has hijacked their perfect trip.

Harvey is so laid back and all of his friends are careless and free. None of the boys really pay any attention to me other than Noah, he's really nice and considerate.

I haven't had one phone call from anyone back home. 

I don't know why I'm writing to be honest. Everything's been okay.

Okay not completely okay. I got a call the other day from a hidden number. Harvey recognized it as the phone's that were used in prison.

He answered it but I made him put it on loud speaker.

It was Chris.

He wanted to speak to me so desperately. I heard him get emotional, he was begging to see me. He said he needed me, he said he couldn't live without me. He threatened to hurt himself if I didn't come. 

Harvey told him to leave me alone and then slammed the phone down. But then he did something really weird.

He kind of...kissed me.

I ran for the hills afterwards but then I cried because I liked it. I told Casady and she laughed at me before calling me stupid for not seeing it sooner. The reason why he invited me on this trip.

I'm not in the state of mind for relationships. But I don't want to scare him away. I've explained it to him and he said he's not interested in one either.

He's forgotten about it but I can't...I actually liked it. I think I like him. 

Sorry for going all soppy. I'm just in real need of some girl advice, Casady's great but you're more blunt than her. So tell me what to do. 

I'm getting better as the days progress, I honestly think I'll be returning home soon. Maybe. 

How's Jason doing? Tell him I say hi.




Dear Ally,

Well your life is certainly more eventful than mine.

I'm currently working with my parents business, now they're broken all the illegal bonds from the business I'm forced to help repair the company, without using any gang members.

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