Chapter 11

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A week had passed, today some big meeting would be held in the hall, I knew exactly what it was going to be about and I didn't like it one bit.

Chelsea and I had been thrown work all week until we were exhausted and fell asleep straight away, dreams of home still on both of our minds. I was typing away when a message appeared on my phone.

"Is it that gang leader again?" Chelsea moaned.

I rolled my eyes and typed back.


He responded not a second later.

If I didn't know any better I'd think you were avoiding me.

Chelsea hacked into my computer and laughed loudly at the message. Her fingers typed a reply before I could stop her.

You would be correct.

"Chels!" I scolded her as I locked her computer screen from mine.


"You deserve that. Stay out of my business."

She laughed.

"What business do you have that I don't know about?"

Wouldn't you like to know.

"You're right."

And why are you avoiding me? :(

She groaned.

"He's a clingy one isn't he?!"

I rolled my eyes.

I have a hard time trusting gang members and thinking of an escape route at the same time. 

"Smart." Chelsea commented.

I understand. So you don't want to be friends?

I thought hard about my reply.

I don't want to get my hopes up to have them crushed back down, and then get killed afterwards.

"Way to be blunt."

 What makes you think I'll do that?

You're a gang leader, I don't want to get on the bad side of you. I told you I don't date gang leaders.

He took a while to reply.

Can we be friends? You're probably the most genuine person I've ever met.

Chelsea shook her head eagerly when I turned to her for approval.


Good, I guess I'll see you tonight.

"He's coming?"

You're coming?

He responded instantly, I didn't have time to hide the screen from Chelsea.

Of course, I told you about my conditions on joining the gang. I'm going to stay here with you guys while the gang's split. Hopefully they'll all throw eggs at him.

"What does he mean when the gang is split?" Chelsea questioned.

I turned to face her, a guilty expression.

"Promise not to get mad at me?"

"Tell me."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Alison Roe I swear to-"

"Fine! The gang is being split into half, some people are going with Tate and Harvey, others are staying here with Chris running the place apparently."

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