Chapter 16

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I swung the iron door open to be greeted with the cries. They had gotten louder.

My PJ bottoms were too loose for my liking, so I held the knife in my hands, the gun tucked into the waistband of my underwear. The spare bullets were kept in the boots I had found on the side that were way too big for me. I couldn't exactly complain though, could I?

I carefully walked down the stairs, careful not to make a noise.

The floorboard creaked under me. I felt eyes on me, I turned just in time to be greeted with a fist. I grabbed his tightly and pushed him back, kicking him in the chest and digging my knife in his chest.

I ran to the control room and locked the door tightly.

"We need to get upstairs. Everyone get armed and follow me."

Our computer engineers were also trained fighters, we couldn't not train them, unlike Tate and Harvey we worked differently. 

 I opened the door and crept outside, careful to not make a noise.

"Don't make a sound." I whispered to the group of eight.

They kept their backs pressed to the wall as we crept up the steps, our breathing haltered.

"Go straight up." I whispered.

They ran upstairs and I kept my eyes peeled for anyone. Nothing.

I followed them upstairs. It's only until I got into the room did I realize it was too easy a task. 

I grabbed the door handle and hurried to shut it, a large weight pushed against it.

A few of the guys helped me push against it, a hand with a gun shot through the small gap and I grabbed it, swiping his hand away and proceeding to slam it closed, sliding the slides and bolting it. It automatically locked.

Gunshots went off and we heard a dull thud on the door.

They couldn't get through.

I let out a sigh of relief and welcomed the arms of my fellow gang members as we cheered. I looked to see Matthew sat at the computer, staring intently at the screen.

"I tried accessing the camera's, they must have covered them with something. Oldest trick in the book." He mumbled to himself as he rubbed his glasses.

"Well just make yourself at home." I said to the people that stood to the side awkwardly.

They moved stiffly to sit down and chat quietly.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Chris's phone. I held the phone to my ear impatiently and groaned when no one answered. I tried Marcus and Ryan but nothing happened as well.

I finally tried Chad and he picked up immediately.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" I asked hurriedly.

"Well we're being held at gun point right now but everything's fine. I'm hiding behind a tree." 

My mouth dropped open.

"I'm coming to get you." 

He let out a laugh.

"Like hell you are. You better stay down there or I swear when this is over I'm coming to kick your ass."

"You won't get the chance to unless Taser Girl comes to the rescue." I hissed.

"Taser girl?"

"It's catchy. You better be prepared."

"Ally it's not that I don't have any faith in you. I can't let you risk your life therefore I'm not telling you where we are. Adios."

"You're in the back yard." I said blankly.

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