Chapter 22

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The day before a school trip as a kid, you're buzzing with excitement, ready to tackle rollercoasters or explore the depths of zoo's. You've got butterflies and you sleep restlessly, the excitement is overbearing.

I kind of felt like that.

Chelsea woke me up a little over an hour ago, the both of us didn't look our best. We both sported long joggers and oversized shirts with random company logo's in the middle, we also wore loose hoodies. My hair was left down because it was too painful to touch anywhere near the scalp while Chelsea had hers up in a messy bun. Both of our faces were make up free leaving our blemishes to stand out more than ever.

We both anxiously linked arms as we took the elevator down to the lobby and waved down a cab. She gave my address to the taxi driver and he gave her a subtle nod.  My leg shook. I so badly wanted to see him. Tears gathered in my eye at the thought of him rejecting me.

Maybe he was angry at me, for not coming back sooner. Maybe he wouldn't understand that I had no choice. Maybe he wouldn't even give me a chance to explain and just slam the door in our faces. 

The journey seemed to go on for hours, my heart raced more than I ever thought it would. Everything seemed to familiar.

I was going home. 

He finally pulled up beside the pavement next to the house, I felt my heart plummet in my chest as Chelsea paid the man.

"Keep your hood up." Chelsea said.

I nodded my head as the taxi drove off. I stood in front of the door, my hand was risen to knock.

"I-I can't do it." I said.

She rapped on the door three times. Tears began to make their way down my face.

The door opened. 

"Jase?" My feeble voice spoke.

The boy in front of me dropped to his knees and put his head in his hands. His hair had gone darker and he had slight stubble.

I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him tightly, I felt his warm tears on my neck and broke down crying.

"W-W...A-Ally." He said.

His arms squeezed my waist closer to him until I was practically on his knee but I didn't care. I pulled back to stare at his face, he did the same to me. I threw my head into his chest and sobbed like I never had before.

"Jason who's at the d...No..."

My mother stood her, mouth dropped open. The kitchen towel had fallen from her hands as she put her hands to her mouth.

Jason slowly let me go and I stood up as my mother latched on to me.

She cried for quite a while actually, before Jason pried her off me and told me to go to Dad's study. Not much has changed.

I stood by the glass floor, lined with mahogany strips.

I knocked on his door, Chelsea stood behind me tightly.

His greying head looked up. The pen rattled on the glass desk as he threw open the door and embraced me. I heard him sniffle and my eyes widened, I hugged him back tightly.

He grabbed Chelsea's arm and pulled her into the hug, she let out a small laugh.

"My girls." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

I found my father like a lost puppy, so lost in whatever him and my mother had that he felt the need to defend her even when she was wrong. I could be mad at him for being so weak, but I couldn't hate him, or my mother to be quite honest. I pitied him.

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