Chapter 14

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Chad let out a fed up sigh and pulled the gloves from my hands.

"You've been doing so well all week. It feels like you're giving up! Just when there's starting to be a difference." 

I let out a puff of air.

"What difference?" I questioned.

"You're becoming more toned. You don't look so sticky anymore."

I snorted.

"You thought I was sticky then, you should have seen me before I was kidnapped. Even Danny couldn't remove the stick form that follows me."

"Turns out I'm a better trainer than Danny. Now time for your favourite part. Laps."

I groaned loudly and he pushed me by my shoulders out onto the running track that hid next to the house. 

I grabbed my water bottle and took a swig. 

A sudden loud barking brought my attention to Chad who stood with three large looking dogs that growled viciously at me.

"These dogs can detect fear. They're going to chase you around the track. If you get here you're in the safe zone, if not then they'll attack you."

My eyes flashed with shock as I took in the dogs rough appearance.

He grabbed my chin and forced it up.

"What did I tell you about confidence? Don't let your emotions show, be as dull as possible even if you're peeing inside. Are you up for the challenge?"

That might as well have been a rhetorical question seeing as there's no way he'd let me back out.

"Why did you bring your friends along?" I asked as I squinted as the sun.

He laughed as a group of people came over.

"To watch the fun."

I growled at him, but my growling was no match for the dribbling dogs that bared their teeth at me. I gulped and nodded, slowly walking towards the starting line.

"Remember what I told you, arms help you run faster , and unexpected direction changes are the best. You can do this Ally."

The group cheered even though I knew they only wanted to see me get tackled by three big dogs.  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and began to sprint forwards.

Chad released the leash.

The group of people watched in silence as I ran, trying my best to keep in a scream as the dogs nipped at my ankles.

"Faster!" I could hear Chad call.

Everyone snickered at my panicked expression as I increased my speed.

They're getting closer.

When my breath starting to became shallow, the weakness and loneliness began to creep in. I was a weak pushover running from three vicious animals. I couldn't do this.

The dogs got closer and I felt some sort of emotion bubble up inside of me. Hope. Inner strength. The look on their faces as they see me cross the finish line.

My speed had increased by so far, the dogs warm breath couldn't be felt on the back of my legs any more, but their paws pounding on the floor reminded me they still had a burning energy inside of them.

I didn't realize I had reached the opposite end of the track until I made a sharp turn and whipped through the air.

I pushed myself to sprint, ignoring my body's distress, pushing myself as the adrenaline began to kick in. 

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