Chapter 18

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Third person POV/Half a year later.

The car pulled into an unfamiliar driveway, looks of shock and disgust were placed upon all of their faces.

"What the hell?" 

Harvey slammed the door shut while Tate ran to observe the damage. They had extended the area with a large running track and a whole new other building. They painted black over the bricks as if to stupidly disguise the place in to the night. The gang's horrified eyes scanned the money that had been wasted, their money.

Harvey let out an angry guffaw before charging forwards. Everyone watched in shock as he twisted the door handle to find the door was locked.

They never lock the doors. Tate thought as he moved to stand beside Harvey, the gang following nervously. They never locked the doors because security made sure that no one dared to come within five feet of the building, yet the outside was completely abandoned.

Throughout the ruckus, no one had paid any attention to the girl with the dark pink hair, sliding her slender frame through the doorway.

"You could've just knocked." She announced, giving the gang a pointed look.

Chelsea couldn't help but gape at her best friend and all of the changes she had made to her appearance.

"Where's Chris?" Harvey said as he took an intimidating step forwards.

"Babe who's at the d...oh hello." 

Chris opened the door wider with a huge smirk on his face.

"Safe trip? Sorry we weren't expecting you." He said, his voice oozing with sarcasm.

The look on Tate's face was utter rage. The gang came to see what was going on, they stood by the stairs, some even coming up close to the door to stand beside Ally.

"What have you done with the gang?" Tate asked, knowing Harvey was too livid to speak.

"Oh this? Nothing much, made a few alterations. We extended the houses. You see, when you left to party and throw the bills our way, we decided that we had to work ten times harder. Not only to pay off the mess you made but also to keep the gang in tact, and that's what we did. It cost you though, we changed the gang name, the big drug Lord's too found your behaviour irresponsible but if I hadn't stepped in they would've reconsidered your roll in the gang."

"So that's when we made the decision..." Chad said as he stepped forwards. "The only way any of us are moving anywhere, is if Chris is our leader." 

Harvey burst out laughing, Tate stared at him with a confused expression while Harvey gasped for air.

"If you think I'm letting that immature fool lead us then you've got another thing coming. We're staying here."

"We had a feeling you'd say that." Ally spoke up.

His eyes focused on her, scanning her new appearance. She didn't move or tremble under his gaze, but smirked.

"Did I forget to mention that we have missed out one tiny spec of information. You see, when they demanded we get a new leader. I stepped forwards. So I'm the leader of this gang as long as it's in the north. So to be straight, if we stay here, I'm leader, and if we go I'm leader, okay?" 

"And the gang have agreed to this?" Tate asked with a scoff and raised eyebrow.

"Chris makes a better leader than you!" "You suck! "Team Chris all the way!"

 Harvey stared at the gang in anger, they smiled smugly at him back.

"Make us second in commands and you have a deal." Tate spoke. "You need the rest of the gang, they're vital assets, even you can't deny that."

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