chapter 1

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It's adding by subtracting.

So I guess wearing a mini dress wasn't my worst choice.

My black heels clicked on the asphalt as I pulled at my dress. A slight shiver rolled down my body. Screw that. I definitely should have put on a cardigan. Too late now.

"If you pull your dress down any further, your boobs will fall out," Lisa nudged me.

I looked her up and down. "Wouldn't want to steal your show," I replied, nodding towards her chest.

"Whatever," she laughed, not feeling offended at all. "Slut," she added after a few seconds.

A laugh escaped my lips. "Thanks."

Lisa tugged at her blond hair which barely touched her shoulders. Spitting out her gum, she turned around, opened her mouth and started to say something but no word escaped her mouth so she just closed it again. Giving her the 'you are so damn freaky' look, I decided to not comment on her weird behavior.

It was nearly 10pm when we finally arrived at the club. The doorman didn't even pay us any attention and just let us through. Right, dress like a slut and you'll get in any club. Anything to keep the male guests busy.

A thick smell of sweat immediately welcomed us inside. I took Lisa's hand and dragged her to the bar. There is no way I'd start the night sober. "Two Sex on the Beach, please," Lisa ordered without even asking me if I wanted to drink it. Whatever. That bitch knew me well enough.

Lisa and I were the trouble best friends that everyone knows - and hates. Apparently we applied far too much make up, dyed our hair far too often and hooked up with any breathing male in the radius of 2 miles. Checking my appearance in the mirror behind the bar, I couldn't hide my grin. Oh, how right they were. Currently, my hair was a light brown whereas Lisa's hair was peroxide blonde, matching her blue eyes (which were surrounded by a lot of mascara, I might add). Her red lipstick made her lips glow in the dark and her dress screamed 'I'm easy to get'. I practically looked the same. My boobs just didn't fall out - yet. The only thing I hadn't going for me were my eyes. They're brown. Just brown. And not a beautiful greenish brown or a brown that catches your eye. If there even is a brown that can catch your eye.

I downed my cocktail within two minutes, anxious to finally get on the dance floor. Lisa wasn't sharing my impatient behavior. "Z, just go," she encouraged me, nodding her head towards the dance floor but keeping her eyes glued on the boy at the bar not far from us. I sighed. Dancing on your own always made me feel uncomfortable but on the other hand, boys tended to come easier this way.

Bidding my farewell, I made my way to the center of the bulk of dancing bodies. The song was unfamiliar to me but that didn't stop my feet from moving to the beat. So far, I was left alone. I looked around and tried to find a good prey as I felt hands on my hips. "What are you doing on your own, out here between all those drunk people?" a voice whispered into my ear. I couldn't suppress a laugh. "Lisa, get your hands off. The real question is: what are you doing here?"

Lisa sighed. "What's the point of clubbing if you can't do anything but sit around because you're in a relationship?" Her voice sounded annoyed but her eyes were sparkling with humor.

"Aw, so the hottie over there won't be your partner in crime tonight?" I winked.

Lisa didn't even bother to reply. Instead, she took my hand and dragged me away. Her eyes flickered to a sign that read "restrooms" and I pulled my hand out of her grip. "No way, Liss. They're gross and girls vomit all the time. Go on your own, you're a big girl now."

"Zoey, you're an awful best friend," were her last words before I lost her out of sight.

I haven't even gone five feet when I felt another pair of hands on my hips. Smiling to myself, I noticed that those weren't a girl's hands. Not bothering to turn around to check out if the guy was hot, I moved my hips to the beat of the loud music. I can't really tell how much time passed before I felt a hot breath on my neck. I ground my ass slightly against the guy's crotch before those strong hands turned me around. All I could see were blue eyes, before I felt warm lips on my own. I closed my eyes and let myself go. My arms wrapped around the guy's neck and his left hand left my hips. I gasped as I felt his hand grasp my ass. Not wasting another second, I put my mouth back on his. He lightly bit my lower lip and stroked his tongue across it. I opened my mouth just enough for him to slide in his tongue. My tongue brushed his and I could taste ... lime? Caipiroska. Of course. My analysis was interrupted as he pulled me closer to him. Deciding to tease him, I ground my crotch against his and found myself surprised when he pulled away.

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