Chapter 2

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As they kept driving to school I started to think of ways to stop Jeremy from getting high, I decided to find out who his dealer was and find Jer's stash. When we arrived at school a nervous chill went down my spine, I was afraid to walk into the school.

"Ronnie let's go." Bonnie said. I could tell she was just as nervous. I was nervous too, but not just for me, but for Jeremy. What if he got stuck with the wrong crowd? I decided to put that behind me and I put on my Cherry Chapstick. When we walked into school Elena and Bonnie came to a stop.

"What?" I asked. They were staring at a Tall brown-haired boy wearing a leather jacket, brown sweatshirt and sagging jeans.

"What Bonnie all I see is back." Said Elena examining the back of the boy.

"It's a nice back." Said Bonnie. Elena and I chuckled, getting a scowl from Bonnie in return. Nice back turned around and took off his sunglasses to reveal his gorgeous green eyes.

"Ladies." he said to Elena and Bonnie once he came across my face he was shocked he went back ad forth between Elena and I like he was seeing double.

"Hi" I said as I shook his hand. "I'm Ronnie." I walked away leaving my sister and my best friend gazing at him with excitement. Dorks, play hard to get not "Let's make out in that corner over there!"I kept walking and came to a stop I looked to my left. It was Matt, my best friend but currently Elena's ex-boyfriend. I haven't spoken to him all summer because Elena said we sound exactly the same and he might feel tortured talking to the twin sister of his ex-girlfriend. I looked at his face staring at every little detail. I walked towards his locker.

"Hey Matt, what's up?" I said nervous he was going to walk away.

"Hey... Ronnie.... I'm okay..." He mumbled.

"Why are you so gloomy?" I asked. "It's the first day of school, lighten up!" I said.

"Just not that pumped for the first day I guess." he said sounding like he was getting worse by the minute.

"What am I not an exciting person to talk to anymore?" I asked.

"No that's not it." he mumbled, I hate when he does that.

"Let me guess, Elena, yeah well it's September Matt, grow up." I snapped at him and walked away feeling guilty leaving him there, but I continued to walk to class. I missed him but now every single time we talk he mumbles until one of us ends the conversation with Elena. I walked into English and saw Elena motioning me to sit next to her. I walked over to her and scowled.

"Thanks for ruining my friendship with Matt, all we ever talk about is you." I snapped and went to sit next to Bonnie. Then gorgeous green eyes/ nice back walked in.

"Bonnie, look who's here." I said staring at him. That's when Matt walked in. I caught him staring at gorgeous green eyes, he walked over to me and Bonnie.

"Hey who's the new guy?" he asked.

"You mean the hottie that Bonnie can't stop staring at?" I said.

"Yeah... who is he?" he asked.

"No id- oh Bonnie you better drop your stare he has eyes for someone else." I said looking in Elena's direction. I looked at Matt his expression was a mixture between anger and disgust.

"Matt..." I tried to finish my sentence but I couldn't.

"Forget it" he said while he walked toward an empty desk in the back corner of the room. I looked over at Bonnie, she was texting Elena.

"Hawt-E staring @ u." it read. I chuckled and tapped Bonnie's arm.

"Bonnie, the teacher is coming." I whispered. she looked and threw her phone roughly into her bag. He walked over and stood in front of the class with his arms crossed and then he smiled.

"Hi, i'm Mr.Saltzman." he said with a low chuckle.


💏Thanks for continuing, hope you like it so far read on to see Ronnie bump into Damon.💏

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