Chapter 25

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"How would you say you eating habits now-a-days are like?" The therapist asked.

"Hm? I'm sorry what?" I asked. "Sorry I doze off."

"How are you eating habits?"

"Uhh, okay I guess, I had a slice of bread and water this morning, it was good." I replied, tired and bored. I felt something squeeze my hand.

I looked to my left and saw Damon, to my right was Jenna and Elena.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked confused, springing from the couch

"Ron, Ronnie it's okay." Damon assured me walking cautiously towards me, eyeing me, making sure I didn't do something crazy.

"Where. am. I?" I asked, venom filled my voice.

"Hello Miss Gilbert, I'm Doctor Rushana, I'm here to help you." The last said from behind me.

I stared wide-eyed at everyone.

"You brought me to a shrink?" I asked appalled.

"I'm a psychiatrist." She corrected.

"Greaaaat, a head shrink." I snapped.

"Ronnie you need this." Jenna declared.

"I'm not crazy, I don't need her, no offense Doctor." I said.

"None taken, I hear it all the time." She smiled sympathetically at me. "Miss Gilbert, my patients are not crazy, they are simply traumatized, a tragedy that has occurred in their life, they only care to be relieved of the nightmare."

Tyler. Werewolf. Nearly Killed me.

No, Tyler, best friend, didn't kill me, only scared me.

"I know just how to solve this Doctor, and I don't need you help, sorry for the waste of time Doctor Rushana." I said and exited the room. Jenna, Elena, and Damon followed.

"What do you mean you know how to put an end to this?" Damon asked.

"Ron, you were almost attacked by a mountain lion while picnicking with Damon." Elena said glancing at Jenna, stating she was lying.

"I just have to handle this on my own, and I'm warning you right now, if you try to talk me out of it, force me out of it, or meddle in my mind again I will hate you for as long as I live, and that's a promise." I warned and walked off before hearing Jenna say sadly:

"And she never breaks her promises."


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