Chapter 4

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Matt handed me a root beer.

"On the house." He said. I looked up at him confused.

"Why?" I asked, still confused.

"For getting ditched by your best friend." he said with a low chuckle.

"Hey!" I laughed as I smacked him on the side of the arm.

"So what's new besides your, never mind." he said. I shot a glare at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Your recent break-up with Jake!' he squealed putting his hands up in defense waiting for me to slap him.

"Relax, we both know what happened between Jake and me, plus why would we be talking about a jerk like him anyways?" I asked. He looked past me and pointed.

"Mostly because he's staring at you from over there." He said. I looked at him and spun back around in my hair in shock, avoiding eye contact with Matt. Jake was my ex-boyfriend, I thought he loved me until I stopped by his house one night for our two year anniversary and saw him making out with Colleen, the foreign exchange slut that transferred to are school last year. I haven't spoken to Jake since are break-up last June.

"You okay?" Matt asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? I mean we broke up three months ago, I'm I good I'm great actually!" I stated finally making eye contact with Matt again.

"Well brace yourself." he said.

"Huh?" I wondered.

"He's coming over here." Matt said.

"Hey I can I get a receipt please!" said a one of the people in the disaster behind me.

"Coming, ma'am!" Matt said and left me there alone.

"Hey.." Jake said. I avoided making eye contact with him.

"Hello Jacob." I said using his full name, which was code for I really don't want to talk to you.

"Ronnie why are you such a grinch, it was three months ago!" he confirmed.

"Yeah remember, I also remember breaking up with you." I stated rudely.

"I also remember telling you that you were ridiculous." he said while slowly sliding his sweating hand up my knee.

"Get away from me you jerk!" I said loud enough so only he could hear me.

"Get back over here he said grabbing my wrist hurting me in the process of pulling me back to my chair.

"Leave the lady alone." I turned around to see a tall guy with piercing light blue eyes, jet black hair and fair skin being complimenting by his black leather jacket white tee and blue jeans along with black boots.

"Yeah and what are you going to do about it?" said Jake while tightening his grip on me releasing a tortured noise from his lips. Blue eyes grabbed his hand and threw him out of the Grille, spiraling Jake into a pole in the process.

"Thanks...?" I said half wondering what his name is.

"Damon." he said revealing a bright white smile.

"Thanks Damon do you have a last name?" I asked.

"Salvatore." he answered. I looked at him in shock.

"What?" he asked.

"Damon Salvatore, are you related to Stefan Salvatore?" I asked.

"Sadly, yes." he said laughing.

"Wow, he jut started school with me and my sister Elena, he actually has started to take an interest in her." I said.

"Really.." he said half surprised half angry. "Wait you know my name, and my brother's and I know your sister's name but what's yours?" He asked.

"Veronica but my friends call me Ronnie." I said as casual as could considering I was still staring at his...features.

"Nice meeting you Ronnie." he said smiling.

"Nice meeting you Damon." I said trying to hide a smile that was sneaking it's way onto my face. Just like that my savior disappeared into the streets of Mystic Falls.


Finally Ronnie and Damon have met!!!! Jake is a total jerk.


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