Chapter 11

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Klaus was a good conversationist, I had told him about my situation with Matt and with Damon, I didn't tell him their name I substituted them, but he still listened.

"So..Daniel isn't your boyfriend, but he is in love with you." He said still painting, he was a quick painter but everything looked nice.

"Yes." I said.

"And Mark is your best friend and your sister's ex-boyfriend that you slept with." he said again.

"Yes." I said again.

"Yet you are having trouble choosing." he said again, still painting.

"Indeed." I said in a british accent, he glared at me and I put my hands up in defeat.

"Well the one that you truly love will come clear to you soon enough Veronica." he said I gasped, I never told him my full name.

"I never.." I began but he interrupted.

"Yes you never did tell me your name, but what kind of parent names there twin girls Elena and Ronnie, it had to have been Veronica." he said, I smiled at his cleverness, he began to pack up his art supplies.

"Your leaving?" I asked, he nodded.

"I apologize, I have somewhere to be." he said I waved goodbye and began walking in the other direction I turned around to ask him where he was going but he was gone.

"Nice meeting Klaus." I whispered to myself and began walking to my car. I drove all the way home and Damon was there. I gasped and attempted to exit the house, but he was infront of the door in no time.

"Hello Ronnie." he said.



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