Chapter 18

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Bang Bang Bang

Whoever was at the door, really wants to be answered. Plus, Bonnie's Grams' has a doorbell, so annoy me with that pah-leez! I got up and headed to the door before flipping my hair into a messy bun and checking how I looked. I went to go answer the door.

"No offense but we have a doorbell so c-" I stopped at his presence.


"What do you want?"

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." He attempted to walk through but couldn't.

"Yeah, sorry but I don't own this house, what you expected me to become co-owner or something?"

"Ronnie, we need to talk."

"Damon. go. to. hell. Or I can just say go back to where you came from."

"Jokes on you, I was born here."

"Dick." I slammed the door, but he caught it with his hands and pushed it open again.

"Watch your language." He warned jokingly.

"Screw you."

"I'm open now if you want." He smirked.

"It wasn't an invitation."

"That's too bad, you would've enjoyed the night, you'd be screaming my name so loud, Japan could hear it." He flashed another trademark smirk.

"Why don't you go have Katherine do it, Elena told me you and Stefan both fell for her."

"Katherine is dead."

"I'm so sorry but still you can't screw me or E."

"Who said I wanted Elena?"

"You tried to kiss her."

"Sisterly bond, everything is said huh?"

"Yep." I said popping the "p". "Bye Damon." I said closing the door in his face. I looked at the time, you have got to be kidding me. Dinner time. I went upstairs and changed into a plain long sleeved black crop top, a floral maxi skirt, and some black wedges, I left my hair out, and accessorized my outfit with a dream catcher necklace and some light pink lipstick along with some subtle brown eyeshadow and mascara.


When done I grabbed my car keys and headed outside. Only to see Damon by my car.

"You like beautiful."

"I have a family dinner, if you don't mind." I snapped.

"I'll come with." He smirked.

"Dream on, my Aunt wouldn't want me hanging around with a guy who looks twenty, plus I don't like you." I said climbing into my car.

"Okay fine, you spending the night there?"

"No, I'm pretty pissed at you to stay somewhere where you can walk and and stalk me in my sleep." I said tarting the car, he chuckled.

"See ya tomorrow." He tried but I laughed and drove towards my house.


I pulled into the Gilbert-Sommers driveway and walked up the pathway to the door. I rang the doorbell.

"Hey!" Jenna chirped. I walked inside and followed her to the dining room. Jeremy and Elena were already sat down, Jer stood up and came to hug me.

"Hey Ron." he greeted.

"Hey Jer." I smiled. Elena walked up to me, now comes the show.

"Hey V."

"Hey E."

"Ronnie can you forgive me?"

"Your my twin, I can't stay mad for long." I said before hugging her.

"Does that mean you'll come back home?" She asked.

"Sure, after we go to career night, okay?"

"Okay, can we eat now?" Jer asked, we all laughed.

"Yes!" We cheered and dug in.


We arrived at the school in no time and Jenna, Elena, and I stuck together, because Jeremy left. Then Mr. Saltzman came up to us and scooped Jenna away. Elena and I were looking at all the careers when Stefan showed up. Bonnie and Grams say that Stefan doesn't feed on humans, plus if Grams trusts him, I can try. So Elena left with Stefan to go talk about a new vampire in town, it got me interested. So I followed them. I didn't pay much attention until Elena brought up Logan Fell, and Stefan got a little realization in his features.

"We need to find him, now." He ordered and we scanned the hall and sure enough he was talking to a group of girls, but turned around to speak with Stefan. Aunt Jenna came up to all four of us halfway through the conversation.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him. Elena got Stefan out of there and I got Jenna home when I received a call, from the sheriff.


"Have you seen Caroline?" She asked.

"No, I'll call around Sheriff."

"Thank you." She said before hanging up. I dialed Matt because lately him and Caroline have been getting closer.


"Okay okay, slow down."

"Is Care with you?" I asked.

"No." He said and my heart sunk."She left."

"Oh thank goodness, I'll tell Sheriff." I interrupted before he could finish.

"Wait!She left with Logan Fell." He said and I dropped the phone.

"Ron?" He asked. "Ronnie you there?"

"Yeah, see you later." I said before hanging up. I dialed sheriff's number., but I didn't want to worry her, but how would that worry her, it would worry her. I decided not to call her, I dialed Stefan.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Stefan! Caroline left with Logan Fell!" I shrieked.

"I know, we're looking for her now."

"What do you mean we?" I asked.

"Hello Sunshine."

"Dick, give the phone back to Stefan."

"We'll call you when we find her."

"Please do Stefan, she's my best friend." I said my voice cracking.

"I promise you we will." Damon said and I couldn't help but smile a bit at reassurance.

"Call me when you find her." I said.

"We will." they said in unison before hanging up.


I got a call not too long later from E saying they found her, then from Stefan saying they did. I was overjoyed. I decided to head home with Jenna afterward and we headed to our rooms. I went inside mine, but Elena wasn't there, weird. Suddenly she started calling me, when I answered I regretted it because I heard her making out...gross.


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