Chapters 14

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I got up from Caroline's bed and walked downstairs, Stefan and Elena were resting on the couch, making out.

"Dude." I said alerting them I was here, they jumped a little.

"Hey Ronnie..." Stefan said.

"Save it." Elena said and I walked over to them and sat between them, I pointed at Stefan.

"Why did I faint, I had a huge glass of Ice Tea before I bumped into Damon." I said.

"Yeah, so you almost slept together?" Elena asked. I glared at her.

"Yeah, he was very seductive until I found out he broke into my house!" I screamed.

"Calm down nobody got hurt." Stefan said, I laughed in his face.

"I fainted!" I shrieked.

"So what?" I heard Damon say, his voice made me jump.

"What is he doing here?" I asked.

"Apologizing." He said.

"Stefan, how did I faint, I should have bite marks on my neck, but they're not there... I didn't dream that." I said, Stefan sighed.

"I healed you." Damon said taking a sip of his whiskey, bourbon, whatever.

"Healed me?" I asked confused.

"Healed you, fed you my blood, ya-da ya-da ya-da..." Damon said, Stefan and Elena went wide-eyed.

"How does that even work?" I said prying as much out of drunk Damon as I can.

"Oh because I'm a vampire." he said, I went wide-eyed and I looked at Stefan and he looked angry like he didn't want me to know what Damon had said and I laughed.

"Vampires?" I laughed. Suddenly I was pinned to the wall and it was Damon, I think... he had bloodshot eyes... filled with hunger, descended black veins underneath the eyes and.... fangs. fangs. Damon had bloodshot eyes full of hunger, super speed, and fangs, and super strength considering he was pinning me to the wall and I couldn't get release from his grip. I fainted out of terror in his arms.



Uh oh, Ronnie knows...

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