Chapter 19

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Groggy and tired I decided to wake up. After everything that's been happening I don't know if it was the right idea. When I woke up, the bed near mine was empty. I guess my sister decided to spend a little more time with her 'unique' boyfriend. It surprises me how she just decided not to call. I had to cover her tracks but I had no idea what to do, so I went downstairs. When walking down stairs I realized that Jer's room door was open. Great, now two people to cover up. I continued walking until I reached the kitchen. Aunt Jenna obviously wasn't awake yet, so I decided to get some of my favorite cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I was really nervous and I didn't know what to do considering what happened last night. Caroline had been kidnapped, by Logan Fell. It was strange Stefan hadn't called me, but E did. Which means she was with Stefan. She still is with Stefan, in the boarding house. Damon lives in the boarding house. Damon. Worry race through my veins as I dashed upstairs.

"Will he kill her in his sleep?"

"Rape her?"

"Drink from her?"

"Kidnap her?"

All of these horrible ideas flooded my head as I changed into my Kierra front zip black lace bralet top, My Pippa tab back asymmetric coat, my blue Collette mid-rise washed away jeans, and my OASIS Maddie wedge platform boot.


After getting changed I just kept my hair as usual, bangs tucked underneath all my hair, kept down. After that I just ran downstairs to grab my car keys. Which aren't there. Son of a bitch! Jer stole my car keys. I ran out of the house and grabbed a cab to the Salvatore Boarding House.


When I arrived I saw E's car there. But I didn't see Damon's. I raced inside and opened the door, it was unlocked. I carefully stepped up the stairs and saw Elena in what I guessed as Stefan's room. She just got off the bed and was wearing one of his shirts, yep, they slept together. She was roaming around the room.

"Pssst, E." I whispered loud enough, hopefully, but she didn't. Cautiously I made it up the rest of the stairs and peeked my head inside. She was frozen in front of something on his table filled with candles. "Elena?"

"Ron?" She asked turning around, crying and shaking. I ran up to her and hugged her, that's when I saw the picture. Dated: 1864, and labeled Katherine. My voice was caught in my throat at the all too familiar face. A face that Elena and I see in the mirror everyday. Our face. We look just like Katherine. Their First Loves.

"Oh my god." I gasped. I began to tear up to, we were just there replacements. There stupid replacements! Elena pulled away and began getting dressed. When she was ready she unclipped the necklace Stefan had given her next to Katherine's picture, grabbed my hand and led us out the door. She ran to her car and opened her side and unlocked the passenger so I could climb inside.

"Oh my god." I said again, in total shock.

"How could he not tell me, us?" She sobbed as she drove away.

"They used us." I croaked, my voice getting raspy as tears blurred my vision.

"How could they?" She cried. I looked up and rubbed her arm comfortingly. Her tears overspilling. I looked back towards the road, and we screamed as we saw a man standing in the middle of the road. On instinct Elena and I grabbed the wheel and swerved it to the right, causing it to flip over. We were both still conscious as we looked out the shattered window, the man was approaching us. We screamed in utter fear, and he disappeared. Elena looked at me and screamed and I turned to my side and saw Damon, squatting by the car, concern on his face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay it's me." He assured.

"D-D-Damon?" I asked, tears filled my eyes and shock filled my voice.

"Your going to be okay, I'm gonna get you guys out of there." He assured us.


I don't know how it happened but I passed out. The next thing I remember was waking up in a car.

"What the hell?" I said confused, tired, and in pain. I looked at my surroundings and my eyes fell on Damon driving next to me, I was in the passenger seat. Elena was still asleep in the back.

"Rise and shine." He greeted with a smirk.

"What happened? How'd I get in here?" I asked, afraid he invaded my personal space, and kidnapped me.

"Relax, You two got into a car accident, The car toppled over and I heard use guys scream nearby and came to get you." He explained.

"Why'd you help us, we were unconscious you could have just left us there." I said.

"No I couldn't." He said.

"Oh really?"



"Because, if I did, you'd be dead, and so would she, I don't want you guys to die." He said.

"Why because we haven't had sex with you yet." I snapped.

"Sure, put it in the worst way possible."

"Oh right it's because, we look like your darling little Katherine right? And you just couldn't risk having us die, because what if you never got to her ,huh?" I hissed.

"What do you mean you look like Katherine?"

"We saw a picture of her, from 1864." Elena interrupted and I glanced back at her. "Now where are we going?"

"Yeah this doesn't look like Mystic Falls." I said looking out the window.

"We're not in Mystic Falls." He answered and our eyes went wide.

"WHAT!?!?!" We shouted in unison.

"We. Are. Not. In. Mystic. Falls." He repeated slowly.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"WellwecanbeinalotofplacesthatImostlikelywanttoseebutrightnowweareinsweetsweetsweetgeorgiabeautifulplacenicesceneryIloveit." He mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Elena asked not quite understanding.

"Georgia." I answered.


"WHY ARE WE IN GEORGIA!!" We yelled at him in unison.

"None of your business."


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