Chapter 17

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Hiding? No. Avoiding a psychotic, deadly, jet black haired, self-absorbed, cocky, pale, vampire? Yes. I've been staying, well living over at Bonnie's for three days now. Her grams said I need to stay over with Jenna, so she doesn't get suspicious.

"With all do respect Ma'am, I can't, Damon will obviously be waiting for me." I point out, Bonnie and her just stare at me.

"We know, but who can you trust?" Se asked.

"Neither, well Stefan, we uh... I don't know..." I manage I say.

"Call your Aunt, let her know your safe." She ordered and I nodded, turning my phone on for the first time in two days, 36 missed phone calls, 12 from Jenna, and 24 from Damon, along with 70 unread texts, 20 from Elena, 10 from Caroline, 5 from Tyler, 10 from Matt, 5 from Stefan, and 10 from Jer....okay time to mostly reply.

To Mattie: Hey, I'm ok, sorr-e I didn't answer, couldn't find my charger. Hangin' w/ a friend, c u l8ter :) xo

To Care: calm down drama queen, I'm w/ a friend, we're hangin' out, ttyl, :) xoxo

To Ty: Sup' Ty, jus' hangin' w/ a friend, don't worr-e, c u soon. xx ;p

To E: Hey E, sorr-e I'm ignorin' u, but we both know y, Damon, so I'm goin' 2 b w/ a friend for a few, don't tell any 1, plz, I need 2 jus' calm myself down and b alone, but also bcuz I jus' don't trust bein' @ home w/ him invited in. I Luv u, I miss u, My BFF joined at birth, plz understand, ttyl, xoxo. ;p.

To Jer: Hey baby-bro, I'm hangin' w/ a friend, luv u, c u soon, been workin' on a skool project, ttyl, ;) xx

"Bonnie, don't forget to send me worried calls and texts just in case someone finds my phone... and i'll reply soon after." I say while looking up Jenna's phone number on contacts.

"Kay, I'll be out, see you." She said before walking out.

"See you!" I called back to her. I found my Aunt's digits, placed the phone on the table, enabling speaker phone and let it ring.... ring....ring...ring...rin-

"Hello? Ronnie?" Her voice cracked when she said my name, she was crying.

"Hey Aunt Jenna."

"Oh my god!!!! Are you okay?? Did someone kidnap you!?!?!" She asked relief and fear in her voice.

"No I'm fine, I've been staying at Bonnie's working on a project, and I couldn't find my charger, plus I... I'm mad at E, she pissed me off, so I'm staying with Bon until it blows over, I'll come by for dinner, I'll go to school but I just can't face her right now... sorry." I apologized.

"Uh?? You sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just can't, and I won't talk to her right now..."

"What did she do?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I convinced and she sighed.

"Okay, see you later." She said before hanging up the phone. I got a few texts from Bonnie and stuff, I answered them falsely.

To Bonnie: Sorr-e Bon, I've been bizz-e, projects 4 skool & stuff, may-b l8ter we can hang out, Care, u, & me, Ik he wants 2 go shoppin'... so call me when u can, & when u want 2 go. xoxo

From Mattie: oh, well have fun, txt me l8ter so we can hang 2.

To Mattie: kk

From Ty: ok, jus' worr-eed sorr-e, every 1 thought u got kidnapped, lol call me l8ter.

To Ty: 'kay I will.

From Jer: Hey Jenna jus' told us about you visitin', visitin'? wat's goin' on?

To Jer: pissed off @ E, stayin' w/ a friend 'til it blows over, call me l8ter.

From Jer: ok.

From Care: sorr-e didn't know, Bon-Bon wants to go shoppin' do u?

To Care: yea jus' give me a time.

From E: so your pissed @ me?

To E: yea, make somethin' up, I'll b @ dinner.

From Care: 1:30?

To Care: sure, c u then. xoxo

From E: Like what?

To E: idk? ur fault, ur idea.

From E: fine, I will, c u l8ter. Xoxo

To E: c u. Xoxo :)

From Damon: Answr my phone callz!! :( I'm sorr-e.

To Damon: I-

I shut my phone off at that and looked at the clock, 10:00 a.m. I'll go for a walk. Or not, everyone thinks I'm with a friend. Plus Damon could be anywhere. I went into Bonnie's Gram's living room and sat on the couch, turned on the T.V and began to watch and Tom and Jerry marathon, until I fell asleep.


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