Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

We went down to Yuki's room since that was where the trail of cherry blossoms led me to. We went inside and walked to the balcony then quickly hid behind the curtains. I didn't want to interrupt their moment.

Flare was staring at Sodom the whole time. I giggled but then realised that I was supposed to keep quiet. Luka and Yuki looked up. Flare immediately jumped up and ran towards Sodom.

Sodom tried to get out of her way but she ended up hugging him. He snuggled against her neck. I smiled at how cute they looked together.

"(Y/n)?" Yuki asked.
"Ah, sorry for coming in without permission. I'll be leaving-"
"No no, it's fine." I slowly walked towards him.
"A-are you okay?" he asked hesitantly.
"Yeah, why do you ask?"
"Well...I saw how you looked when Tsukumo pushed-"
"Yuki, please don't forget what I said. Don't worry about me. I am perfectly fine." He looked at me worriedly but nodded.
"Oh and thank you," he said.
"For what?"
"For healing Luka's wound."
"You're welcome." Yuki yawned.
"You must be tired. I'm sorry for intruding on you two like that. We'll be going now."
"I actually wanted to talk to you so it wasn't a bother," he replied. I smiled.
"Thank you..."

He must've realised what I meant and smiled back at me. I basically had to drag Flare out since the two of them were having fun talking to each other. Yuki laughed.

"Good night, sleep well. That includes you as well, Luka." He 'tched' and shooed us away. I just giggled and went back to my room.

~The next day~

I didn't bother going to breakfast, I never did. They would just bully us again. Sodom and/or Luka were always the ones to bring us some food to eat. I was grateful for that. The others had to go to school after breakfast so I was relieved.

~In the afternoon~

"Hey Flare, are you sure this will work?" She had memorised a spell to turn me into a sparrow so I could go around freely for some time. But..I was pink.
"(Y/n), don't worry about it. I'm sure they'll just think you're a special bird. Just go and have some fun," she replied smiling. I chuckled and nodded.
"Alright, I'll just go talk to Sodom. Bye."

I flew into the kitchen and noticed Toma, Yuki and Toko there. Sodom was there as well. I guess Flare would have a hard time finding him.

"That smells wonderful, Toma-san," Yuki complimented. Toma also said something about tonight's dinner.
"I invented this tomato bread for Hotsuma-kun, since he hates tomatoes," Toma said then added, "I hope he likes it." Yuki was also amazed at this.
"Preparing delicious food for all of you is my job. And the best part is seeing you all enjoying it while (Y/n) suffers." I frowned.
"What do you mean?" Yuki asked worriedly.
"Well, you see...we put poison in her food. It's really a wonder how she survived but it's fun watching her in pain," Toma replied happily.

Yuki seemed upset that I was being treated like this. I thought I told him to forget about me. Then the doctor came and leaned against the door.

"Hey, stop drinking that and have a proper dinner!" Toma exclaimed.
"I was up all night again, I'm not hungry," doctor replied and went back to his office. Next, Tsukumo appeared while eating a packet of chips.
"Eh?! Tsukumo-kun, what are you eating?" Toma asked, annoyed. They were arguing about that until I noticed Luka staring at me. I chirped. He smiled and left.
"Huh? I heard a bird," Toko said.
"Same," Yuki added. They looked up and noticed me. I stood there, unable to move.
"Omg! It's so cute and it's pink as well!" Toko exclaimed excitedly. She held out her finger. Yuki smiled at me.
"It is cute," he replied. I flew down to her finger. I might enjoy this new type of attention for a while. She pat my head and giggled.

~A few minutes later~

Yuki and the others were going to the communal bath while I flew back to my room and turned back into my normal form.

"So how was it?" Flare asked.
"It was amazing! Thanks Flare." She smiled.
"Flare!" Sodom came 'flying' in and landed on top of her. They were both blushing.
"Aww, this is definitely going to be a new ship." They blushed even more.
"(Y/n), have you seen-"

Luka stopped in the middle of his sentence when he noticed the state of Flare and Sodom. He then smiled and left. I laughed at the two of them.

"Not funny!" they yelled in sinc. I smirked.
"Are you both gonna stay in that position or what?"
"Oh!" Sodom quickly got off and helped her up.
"Sorry Flare."
"It's fine, Sodom." We played games in my room until the sun set.

~Night time~

I stayed out and walked in the garden while looking at the stars.

"Oi, you're walking in my way," Hotsuma said. I immediately moved out his way.
"I'm sorry." He glared at me.
"What is someone like you even doing out at this time? Oh wait, to kill humans," he muttered to himself, but loud enough so that I could hear. I lowered my eyes when he walked past. Then I retreated to my room to avoid any more little dramas.

~The next day~

Yuki and the others had to go to school but I was forced by Takashiro to go with them, for protection.

"(Y/n), let's go first. The others are coming later," Luka said.

I nodded and got in the car with Luka and Yuki. They made small talk on the way there. Everyone stared at Luka's car as he pulled over. Luka and Yuki got out while everyone drooled over their appearance. I stepped out a while later and waved goodbye to Yuki.

"Omg! She's so pretty!"
"Haven't you heard? She's a monster!" I quickly went back inside before hearing any more of this. Luka came back and drove off.

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