Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV

~Back at the mansion~

I woke up, sweating all over. He really did what he said he would. He killed my father while I watched, unable to do anything.

"(Y/n), you're awake? I got you something to eat," Flare exclaimed.
" are your injuries?"
"Don't worry, I'm fine. You should be worrying about yourself considering how you fought that Ashley-sama," she replied. I laughed, knowing she put the 'sama' at the end on purpose.

~Some time later~

I went to the garden and sat by the pond. Apparently Yuki had woken up from his two days of sleep. *sigh* I sometimes still wonder why I was here. What was my purpose? Why was I doing this for them?

"What are you doing out here?" Hotsuma asked.
"It's peaceful here."
"Tch, wouldn't it be better in your room then?" he asked.
"It's better out here. Anyway, want to go out for a walk?"
"I think you should go and greet Yuki first," he said.
"Why? He might feel burdened." He just turned around and left. I hesitantly followed him into the lounge room.
"Sorry for making all of you worry. I'm fine now," Yuki exclaimed. I managed to smile. Maybe I shouldn't have come.
"(Y/n), are you alright? You weren't hurt too much...were you?" Yuki asked, concerned.
"Haha, yeah. I'm fine, I can take care of myself."

A while later, everyone left until I was the only one left in the room. I unwrapped my cherry blossom and noticed that one of its petals had gone dry at the tip. Oh no...what do I do? This hasn't happened before. I quickly hid my arm when someone came in.

"(Y/n), I can't find Flare," Sodom complained.
"Want to go look for her together?"

He nodded eagerly. I ruffled his hair and followed him out of the room. On our little search, we saw Yuki doing some chores like cleaning.

"Don't overdo it," Luka said.
"Hey guys, have you seen Flare anywhere? Sodom wants to find her."
"Can't you just use telepathy?" Luka asked.
"Aww, but that's no fun." He sighed, irritated. I laughed.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n) but I can't tell you since they're playing hide and seek," Yuki replied.
"Sodom, you never told me! Let me join in." He giggled and nodded.
"Oh and Yuki, don't work too hard." He simply smiled and nodded.

~Timeskip to after the game~

Sodom went to help Yuki with something so I was left alone again. Flare decided to have a nap so I had no one to talk to. I stared at my cherry blossom again.

What was happening? Was it gonna wilt? Was I going to die? Suddenly, I heard something snap behind me. I quickly turned around and held my katana to their throat.

"It's only me," Luka said.
"Don't scare me like that. I actually thought you were a bad guy." He just smirked and looked at Yuki. My katana disappeared as I lowered my hand.
"Are you worried about Yuki?" He nodded.
"What about you? What happened?" he asked, gesturing towards my cherry blossom.
"Oh, nothing." He raised an eyebrow but I just looked away.
"Luka?" It was Toko.
"Alright, see you later." I teleported back to my room.

Flare's POV

I decided to hear what Toko was talking about with Luka.

"Are you sure you're alright? You always watch over him, but he may never remember who you were," Toko exclaimed.
"It doesn't matter how I feel. All that matters is that Yuki's happy," he replied simply.
"What? How can you say something so sad? If you're suffering, let's talk about it. I'm sure you'll-"
"I don't want that," Luka said, cutting her off.
"But you were lovers," Toko argued.
"Yuki wants to forget," Luka replied. I went back to (Y/n)'s room and saw her crying in her sleep.
"Don't die...I need you..." She needed who? I snuggled close to her and she may have cuddled me a bit too tight.
"(Y/n), wake up. Wake up!"
"Huh? What's wrong?" she asked sleepily.
"You had a nightmare. What happened?"
"Nothing." She got up and quickly left the room. What happened?

(Y/n)'s POV

I rushed off to my cherry blossom tree and touched it. There was no light, indicating that I didn't need healing.

"Who's there?"
"Find true love before it's too late."
"Who are you? Come out!"
"Time's running out, hurry..."

The mysterious voice soon disappeared. What was that? True love? Pfft, like that'd ever happen. Suddenly, my heart hurt like I was being stabbed. I coughed out blood. I quickly touched my tree and it started glowing. A few seconds later, I was fine but I still couldn't help but feel the faint pain that was in my heart. What just happened?

"Hey (Y/n), apparently Yuki has to go to the Kamakura residence tomorrow," Flare exclaimed.
"What happened? Where did this blood come from?!" she asked worriedly.
"I was just a bit sick, nothing to worry about."
"A bit sick?! You coughed out blood, are you sure you're alright?! We need to get you inside," Flare argued.

She turned into her kitsune form and carried me on her back, although I tried to resist. A while after I was left alone in the room, Flare came back with some herbal tea. She forced me to drink it.

"Now rest, you're apparently a bit sick," she exclaimed.

I smiled. She was always overprotective. Luckily I had her or else I would've felt alone, like no one was there for me. Like I was just an unnoticed ghost in a world that was too big, yet too small.

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