Happy Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was sitting in my room, looking out at the sky.

"Hey, let's go," Hotsuma said while dragging me out of the room.
"Where are we going?"
"On a date, where else?" he replied like it was obvious.
"Don't worry about anything, I'll be there to protect you." *blush* He dragged me all the way to the entrance.
"Oi (Y/n), hey! Come back!" Kuroto yelled. But Hotsuma had already picked me up and ran away.
"H-Hotsuma?" He put me back down.
"Sorry, he's just annoying," he replied.

I laughed. Did these two really not like each other? Then, out of nowhere, Sodom jumped out at us and tried to separate our hands. Hotsuma was suddenly surrounded in flames.

"Hotsuma, calm down!" He quickly stopped and noticed that he had burnt my hand.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." he started.
"Don't worry about it." He cupped my face in his hands.
"I'm sorry...you'll have a scar now..."

Before I could even reply, his lips had met mine. I could taste salty water. Was he...crying? He pulled away and I could see the tears in his eyes. I smiled and wiped them away.

"Come on, we still have a date to go to." Then I realised something. Sodom was watching us the whole time.
"Hey, where's Luka and Yuki?"
"They wanted time alone, so I'm bored," he replied with a pout.
"Then you can go play with Flare."
"She's with Toko."
"Oi, can you turn back into your bunny form? I don't want to get seen carrying some kid with everyone thinking that I'm your father or something," Hotsuma exclaimed. Sodom and I burst out laughing.
"Seriously Hotsuma?" Sodom turned into his bunny form and landed on my shoulder.
"Alright, let's go." Hotsuma grabbed my uninjured hand and led us to the city.
"Oh, (Y/n)!" Yomiku called out.
"Is this your boyfriend?" she whisper-asked. I blushed.
"Aww, I knew it! Hello Hotsuma Renjou. I'm Yomiku, nice to meet you. I'm in your class."
"Tch, (Y/n) let's go."
"Oi, just because you're rude to me doesn't mean you can be rude to her. Treat her well!" Yomiku yelled. I smiled. Hotsuma just dragged me away.

Hotsuma's POV

Geez, I was hoping we could be alone. But then, we had to be stuck with a bunny and some random girl who, luckily, didn't follow us. I looked around and noticed guys giving (Y/n) weird, perverted looks.

Was she only thought of as a monster in town? Well, I didn't care. If any of them dared touch her, I'd kill them. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in closer.

"You're mine, I won't let anyone else take you." She blushed and looked away. She was so cute. We headed towards a mini cafe and sat down in the corner.
"What do you want?"
"Anything's fine," she replied.
"Well, then two hot chocolates and (dessert)?" She nodded. I went up to the counter to order. But when I got back, a sketchy guy was sitting in my spot.
"Hey beautiful, are you alone? How about hanging out with me? I'll treat you real nice," he exclaimed creepily. I pulled (Y/n) up.
"What do you want?"

I cracked my knuckles. He just smirked and stood up. (Y/n) tugged on my sleeve and managed to pull me away.

"Hotsuma, how about the amusement park?" she asked, trying to forget about what had just happened.
"Tch, this time I'm not leaving your side." She just smiled and nodded. I held her hand and went to the amusement park.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Come on, (Y/n). Just this once, it's not even that scary," Hotsuma pleaded while dragging me towards the roller coaster.
"Hotsuma, this is way scarier than any opast."
"I'll buy you cotton candy after. We're going on that ride." I pouted. He just smiled and kissed my cheek before leading us towards the ride.
"Right this way please. Are you two a couple? You must be a lucky guy to have someone like her. Treat her well," the old lady said.
"Yes, ma'am. I will," he replied politely.
"Wow, I never knew you could be polite."

He ruffled my hair as if to tell me that he could do anything. I laughed. Suddenly, Sodom turned into his human form.

"(Y/n), I'm scared. Hotsuma's a meanie for making us go on this ride," he exclaimed with a pout.
"I know but I'm sure it won't be that bad..." The ride started moving slowly. Hotsuma held my hand and smiled.

~After ride~

"Hotsuma, next time please choose something a little less scary."
"But I got you cotton candy," he replied.
"Oi, Sodom's eating it all." He sweatdropped.
"Sodom, give me some." He ripped off a piece and gave it to me.
"Come on. We're going on that ride next," Hotsuma said while pointing to a ride that was bigger than the last one.
"You expect us to go on that thing?!" Sodom and I asked at the same time. He smirked and nodded.
"Yep, now hurry up!" He dragged us all the way to the ride. Geez, he really had no fears. I reluctantly got on and waited for the ride to start.
"It'll be over really quickly," Hotsuma said.
"Yeah, right *sarcasm*."

Again, the ride started and we had to suffer. Soon, when the monster ride finished, Sodom and I found it hard to stand up and walk. Hotsuma picked me up. Sodom turned into his bunny form before landing on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll get you two back home," Hotsuma exclaimed. He seemed to walk as if he was only carrying a few feathers. When we arrived, he put me down.
"Sorry! I must've been heavy, right?" He kissed me unexpectedly.
"You're not, so don't worry about me."
"(Y/n), over here!" Toko called out. We went over to where she was.
"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. The whole place was decorated.
"Congrats on your relationship with him," Kuroto exclaimed.
"Yeah, we should be congratulated," Hotsuma added.
"And now!" Flare said.

Hotsuma and I were pushed from behind. His lips met mine. Before I could pull away, he deepened the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. Everyone whistled and cheered which caused my face to turn tomato red.

"I love you."

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