(4) Hotter than a Calvin Klein Model

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Do you know the qoute: Don't wake up a women when they are on there beauty sleep? Well if you dont then I dont know about that well this the result.

"What the hell!" I shouted as I sat up from my bed soaking wet. I got dunked with a cold water and I would say Its freakin Cold! I look around and saw Blaze and Jax laughing their asses up.

I got up and went to my bathroom and looked at myself and again Soaking Wet! I walked out of my bathroom and saw none of the idiots are in my room so, I went to my closet and opened it then they jumped out.

"Ahhh!" I screamed and put my hand to my chest "Get out!" I shouted and they stopped laughing

"Sorry" Jax said, wiping his tear from laughing

"Yah! Me too! I just got carried away sorry!" I rolled my eyes and push them  aside and they went out and i walk to my closet then I took my clothes (top) amd went to the bathroom and shower then I put on my clothes then brush my teeth and so is my hair but i left it down and put some mascara and lipgloss. I ran downstairs seeing Jax and Blaze eating breakfast, I walked in the kitchen and took a plate

"Thank you for waiting" I spoke sarcastically they rolled their eyes

"Atleast we left you!" Jax said in a 'duh' tone, Alright! He hit my last nerve.

"I am really gonna kill you!" I yelled and tackle him making us fall of the stool and kicked him in his thighs then slapped his face and hit his chest, he groaned in pain. I stood up, glared at him and I sat back down like nothing happened and started eating. I looked at Blaze he looked shock of what happened "What?" I asked him.

"I...its just?!" He said pointing at Jax then looking at me then Jax

"We're siblings! We play roughed" I said with a 'duh' tone. He rolled his eyes and Jax stood up rubbing his cheek and thigh.

"That really hurts you know?" He said sitting on the stool

"And? You think I give a fuck?" I stood up "See you at school!" I grabbed my  bag and storm out. Let's see if you'll walk. *Evil laugh*

I got in to my Red Lotis Evora 400 sports car, a girl in a sports car? Well yes I have my own car and its a sports car, well its the perks of having your mom as the famous fashion designer and your dad owns the biggest and luxuries bars of all time. I turned on the engine and drove off the school.

I'll see you at school big bro. Unless you wont get late.

Ryder's POV

I am a bad boy! Why would I storm out knowing that Alexa has a boyfriend? Like c'mon.

You like her!

No I dont! I'm the most hottest guy in school and maybe hotter than a Calvin Klein model! I can get any girl I want!

But not all girls

Shut up head! Wait? Did I just shut my head?

Yes you did!


I woke up early or not, well lets say I didnt slept at all. I've up all night No sleep cause I... feeellll like im always dreamin'. Sorry!....  I kept asking myself why did I storm out for no reason. Am I jealous? Nahh. I shook my head on that thought and stood up.

I took a shower and put on my black jeans, white shirt and my favorite, my Leather Jacket. I ran downstairs and walk to the kitchen seeing my lil brother and sister eating breakfast, I messed up his hair and pass him he scoffed, then I kissed my little sister's cheek and she smiled.

"Rydie!" Rebecca said cheerfully. I smiled at her and Raven spoke up.

"I said don't mess up my hair in the morning!" He exclaimed. My brother in 13 and if you ask why he hates messing up his hair well here it is.

"Do you know girls like messy hair?" He shook his head " Well you should try it! They find it hot." I whisper to him and mom walk in to the kitchen

"Ryder!" She toned serious and i raise my eyebrow


"Do let you brother be like you!" I rolled my eyes and took a granola bar in the counter and mess up my brothers hair and kissed my mom on the cheek. And took my bag.

"See yah later! Dad im going to school!" I heard 'See yah bud' and i walk out and went to my car.

I reached school and went to the basketball court seeing my friends. I walked up to them and they greeted me 'Hey man!' We did our usual bro shakes

"Have you seen Jax?" I asked them

"I guess he'll be late!" Jace spoke and I looked at him confused "I called him and he said her sister ditched her and his car is at the shop" I nodded in response "Well theres the devil himself!" We turn around and saw him walking up to us.

"Whats up!" And we did our usual greetings.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded "Can I ask your sister out?" And Blaze walked behind Jax

"Go ahead! We are not even a couple. She just said that to make you mad or jealous?!" Blaze spoke, my eyes widened.

"Sh...She did what?!" I asked shocked and Jax just nodded

"We're not even a couple. She just said that to make you mad!" Blaze repeated "And plus im gay!" He continued and everyone eyes widened. "But please keep this a secret! Please?" He pleaded. We all nodded and the bell rang.

"I'll see you guys at lunch!" I said, they nodded and we went seperate ways.

Alright! First class English and I have it with Alexa. I wish this class goes well.

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