(15) I want to know

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This cover is made by @wolfieXBucket

Thank you so much sorry I can't tag you I cant find you're name but thank you love a lots💋

Andre's POV

"I want to know who I really am" Ryder spoke, I was stunned by his words I thought teenagers this day would be walking out and do something reckless but this kid is willing to know.

I sat down on the couch infront of him with Martha beside me. I took a deep breathe and looked at my niece Alex she grow up with us so is jax cause their parents doesn't have time for them that much, so we as their godparents we took the opportunity of being their second parents. We took care of them, we made their childhood memorable even we are just their Godparents and now that they grow up to teenagers and willing to take chances. I thought them how to race, drive, and fight and now as Jax is old enough I gave him my garage and now he works their as the owner of the shop I stopped working in the garage since I knew she was pregnant with our second child.

"Okay where do you want me to start?" I looked at Ryder.

"From the beginning sir"

"We we're young like you dweebs. Me and your father are best friends no scratch that we're brothers we met on a street race he was my opponent once but few races we realize we are both good. Days past by and thats where your Mother Alena and Martha came, they are the race counters, I admit your mom is hot but your father had her first but then there's Martha which is hotter they we're friends and we started hanging out. Then few years past we became a couple so is your parents, When we turn 23 your dad propose to your mom, lets skip they got married in 1997 they we're a happy couple and in 1999 your dad had a race, his opponent is Martin Mendoza he's the third best racer right after me we are all best buds. Until Mendoza like this girl named Irish but that girl rejected her because of your father so he kidnapped her and killed her, few months we thought Irish was on vacation until we heard the she's dead but that that incident didnt last long. Its was now 2000 and Alena was in labor then you got born, few days later Mendoza knew you we're born" I took a deep breathe and looked at Martha she nodded

"Your Mom called me to look after you cause she needs to buy your baby needs, I told her that I will buy it for her but she insist cause she want to have fresh air so she went to the super market. Few hours I realize your mom hadnt come back yet so I called her and its was on voicemail thats says 'Take care of Blake'. And your Dad was at the garage that time so I called him and told him the Alena got kidnapped and of course they looked for her and found her in a Abondoned warehouse, they said that they used your mom so Skye fall for their trap. Andre here followed your father that time he heard someone yelling 'Where's the kid!' they didnt reply until gunshots was heard, and the cops and him went to the room where your parents are and found them Skye was shot in the head and Alena got shot in the stomach with cuts, he kept waking them up but Skye died on the spot but Alena woke up then she said 'Tell blake that we love him' and died with your father" Martha had tears in her eyes so is Ryder.

"H..How did I end up with the Matthe..ws" he stutter with Alexa soothing he's back.

"Few days after your parents died they tracked us and knew that you are with us so we gave you Ramsey and her wife Rachel we gave you to them cause we will know that you are in safe hands. And now look at you a fine young man like your father" Martha responded

"Did they left something for me?" He asked, I stood up

"Ahh good thing you asked" As I walked to our bedroom and our closet then found a black box with gold metal on the sides. I walked back to the living room and gave the box to him. "Whats in here?"

"Open it!" Alexa spoke with a smile, he nodded and opened it. His sad face turn into a shock expression. Alexa moved closer to Ryder to see whats inside "I guess I won't get you a new car if that thing got a bullet" she chuckle.

He looked at me "Thank you! H.. how can I repay you for this?"

"All repayment we need is take care of Alexa she's more of a niece to us treat her like a princess" I said but Martha slapped my arm.

"No scratch that! Treat her like a queen" We looked at Alexa and saw her blushing like a tomato.

"Yes! I will treat her like a queen"

"Stop!" She whined "Its not like we're together or something"

"Ohh let me remind you that you agree going on a date with me" Ryder put a smirk on his face.

"I could take that back you know" then they started bickering about it.

Martha leaned in to my ear and whisper "Even they are not a couple yet, they sure look like one!" I nodded and smiled

Yes they do!

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