(18) No one will win this conversation with her

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I groaned as my alarm went off I sat up and looked at my window seeing the sight of sleeping Ryder I smiled and stood up from bed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and other stuff, few minutes I went to my closet and picked an outfit (⬆️) and put my hair on a pony tail with a bit of make up whish consist mascara and lipgloss.

I walk up to my window seeing Ryder asleep, I took my phone from my back pocket and rang him I heard my ringtone which is We Own it by 2chainz, I smiled and he grabbed his phone from the side table eyes closed.

"Hey babe!" His morning voice is sexy as hell.

"Umm yeah? Could you do me a favor?" I asked him with his eyes still close

"And that would be?"

"Open your eyes get up or you're gonna be late! And if I saw you at school late say sorry to your ass cause I'm gonna ignore you all day!" I spoke. He sat up quickly and ran to his bathroom with phone in his ear.

"I'll see you at school princess I'm taking a shower right now!" I chuckle and hung up.

I walk downstairs seeing no one I went to the kitchen seeing a note on the counter.

Sorry sis I left early Coach called me for an early practice but breakfast is on the microwave. See yah later , Love you
I sigh and walk over to the microwave, I took the food out and started eating I never felt so lonely before. My phone rang and I answered without bothering checking who's the caller.

"Hey you home?" Ryder asked

"Yeah! Could you come eat breakfast with me?"

"Why? But okay i'll see you in a sec"

"Don't mind knocking just come in the kitchen door." He hummed in response and I hung up. Few minutes of silence the door opened I put my head out seeing Ryder entering he saw and smiled.

"So you called me just to wake me up?" He asked sitting down on a stool infront of me.

"Yeah!" As I stood up to get a plate for Ryder "You hungry?"

"Well rushing out of the house? Yeah" I chuckle, I put some bacon and eggs on his plate and put it infront of him, I sat on the stool "Where's Jax?"

"He said the coach called for an early practice. But how bout you? Aren't you gonna practice since you're the co-captain right?" He look surprise.

"Shit I forgot there's a big game this friday! Lets go?" He said standing up, I nodded and grabbed my bag from the couch and walked to his car.


"I'll see you later?" Ryder asked me while I'm getting out my books. I nodded and smiled at him, he peck my lips and ran off to the gym.

"So what's you're status now?" Maddie asked walking up behind me. I looked at her and shook my head smiling, I closed my locker and lean on it.

"So when can we be the Bridesmaid?" Fiona spoke.

"In a relationship I guess? And the Bridesmaid you take that too far!" We laugh and the bell rang. "Halt! Where's Zach?" I asked them

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