(22) Reckless

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I groaned and shift to the other side.


I sat up from my bed and walk downstairs and off to the door, I wouldn't care if I'm only wearing a white shirt and sweatpants and I think my hair is fine. I opened the door to reveal.

"Uncle Miles! Its a pleasure to see you!" I greeted and he looked at my attire.

"Am I early or you just woke up late?" He asked, I looked at the clock and saw 8:30 wow I'm late for first period but oh well.

"Come in!" As I opened the door wider.

"Is Jax awake?" He asked sitting down in the couch.

"Um I think but i'll call him!" I ran upstairs to his room "Jax Uncle Miles is here!" I spoke from the outside, I heard shuffling and he opened the door. He nodded and we walk downstairs to the living room and sat infront of Officer Miles.

"Hello! Uncle Miles what payed you a visit?" Jax asked.

"I have a mission for you two!" He spoke and drop a file in the coffee table between us, I took it and opened seeing a criminal file. I think you already guessed it Yes our Uncle is a cop.

"Whats this?" I asked him.

"He's name is Viper top 3 most wanted and we've been searching for 2 years now. And he's back as a terrorist, he is a biggest wanted hacker in all time and we need you're help to find him and put him behind bars!" He explained.

"And what would we get from this?" Jax asked him.

"I will clean your names and remove you and your team in the top 20 wanted!" He said.

Yes! We are in top 20 wanted people in America but we blend in so cops won't recognize us and if you guess who's our team and that contains.

Maddie and Jordan as our high-class hackers

Allyson is one of our fighters

Jace and Jacob they are our back-up incase we get in trouble in our way.

Maddie is top 15, Allyson is top 14 ,Jordan is top 13, Jace is top 12, Jacob is top 10 cause he always gets involve in trouble and Jax is top 7 and I yours trully top 6 you would be like Jax's the guy why is he top 7 not Alexa. Well lets say Jax knows how to control his fun but me nah! I'm reckless and good girl in disguise Hhhahahaha No!

"We still need to talk to our team about this but we'll let you know" Jax answered and he nodded and stood up.

"Alright! Let me know you two know where to find me right?" He asked and we both nodded and we walked to the door. "Alright see yah kiddos!"

I opened the door and he walk out and I saw Ryder walking to our front lawn. "Hey chief!" He saluted and Uncle just nodded and went to his police car. "Who's that?" Ryder asked kissing my forehead and let him in.

"My Uncle!" I replied and Jax walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey Ryd!" He greeted "Do you want a job? Or be a wanted guy like your dad Huh blake?" He asked.

"Wanted guy?" He asked.

"Story time!!" I yelled running in the kitchen.

Jax's POV

I rolled my eyes at my childish sister and walk to the couch where Ryder is sitting and looking confuse, I sat infront of him and Alexa came back with a popcorn and coke then she sat on the loveseat crossing her legs and started eating.

"Story! Story!" Alexa started I sigh and look at Ryder.

"It all started when I was 16 and Alexa is 14. I was off to The street and she block my path to the door and she asked where I am going and I told her Racing she started forcing me to come with me and I agree, she came with me and saw that it was cool so she asked me if I could teach her and I agreed again so a month after teaching her she got the hang of it and do her own tricks and then she started coming with me and winning races. Well I guess you heard our title?" I asked Ryder and he nodded looking at me in interest. I continue

"But one time she have Max Mendoza as an opponent and he tricked her and that cause her first car crash I was so scared and our parents are out of the country so I called Carter, Uncle Andre and Aunt Martha she had a coma for 2 weeks and I told her to stop which she disagree we started fighting about it but Carter told her its for her own good so she stopped well thats what we thought until one night I saw her sneaking out of the house grabbing her car keys, I stopped her and took away her cars and hid them.

But that never stopped her, she started doing illegal things like spray paint the train station and the school property, pranking cops telling them that there where a murder outside there station, and went to Carter to help him sell drugs but she didn't use it she must selled it and that night she got caught and brought her in jail and asked her what more illegal things she had done so she told them but she got bail out by Uncle Miles the dude you saw earlier.

But still she didnt learn a single lesson she always getting caught to they put her juvie for like 4 months but still nothing she became more reckless, more dangerous than ever. We tried stopping her but that trying end up being like her, like that thing of her is contagious. So like Maddie and Jordan started hacking the police station and other technical shit and thats why they're wanted, so is Allyson she got caught killing a guy in the dark alley and that made her wanted, Jace, Jacob and I well lets say we got the hang of being a Alexa so we became reckless.And that cause us this! Blending in with people still hiding in the dark but that didnt stop the fun!" I ended and Ryder looked at us stunned.

"But if you're wanted are you in the countings?" He asked

"Yep! Maddie 15, Allyson 14, Jordan 13, Jace 12, Jacob is 10 cause mostly he gets in more trouble than Jace, Jax 7 and I is 6" Alexa smiled at him like nothing.

"Whoa!" Thats all that came out from his mouth.

"And we need you to join our team?! But that cause your life! Are you in?" I asked him and Alexa looked at him pleadingly.

"Yes!" He spoke and Alexa jumped from her sit making the popcorn spread around the floor and she started jumping up and down.

"Well I guess lets tell the team!" I spoke.

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