100% truthful

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to ragnarhofferson for being such a past good reader :)

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked me. I was still having trouble comprehending exactly what was going on.

"Uh- yeah." I said. He nodded and took my hand. He intertwined our fingers and we left to go back to the car.

It was a silent ride home, but it didn't feel quiet. My mind was overflowing with thoughts of what was going on.

He took one of his hands off the wheel and took my hand in his, keeping his eyes on the road the entire time.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just, I don't like to talk about it. My mom died of cancer and my dad is gone somewhere. And I don't want to hurt my, non- biological parents." He said. I couldn't really understand what he was going through, but I can try.
I sqeezed his hand before speaking.

"I'm sorry I don't know exactly what to say. But I do know I'm not going to leave your side, us, we're forever, despite what anyone else has to say about it." I stated firmly, making sure he understands that I'm being 100% truthful.

"Thanks. I need someone who isn't going to leave me." He said, a grateful smile appearing on his soft pink lips.

I leaned my head back on the seat and closed my eyes, not expecting to actually fall asleep, but I did.

"Wake up Em. We're home." Brody said, softly shaking me to wake me up.

My eyes fluttered open. I unbuckled and got out. Brody and I met in front of the car and walked up the front porch steps to the house. We stepped inside and went to our rooms to get clothes to take seperate showers.

I took the shower upstairs and he took the one downstairs.


Thanks so much if you've read this far :)

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