Let the music control you

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"They're here!" Ella whisper-yelled, running over to me frantically. A panicked look spread across my face as I got up and we ran to our places.

I heard the keys in the doorknob, struggling to unlock it, when the door finally opened. 

"We're glad you're alive!" Ella and I exclaimed, jumpping up. The three of them were smiling, their eyes wide from the shock. 

"The others should be here soon." I said, walking over to Brody, and throwing my arms around his neck, thankful he was still here with me. He was stunned for a moment, before wrapping his arms around my small figure as well.

"Thanks guys, you really didn't have to do this." Anna said, walking over to Ella and shooting me a grateful smile.

"We wanted to." I said, smiling warmly at her, and tightening my grip on Brody.

She hugged Ella and walked over to embrace me. "Thanks." She said, a huge smile still spread across her face. She was still limping from her sprained ankle. 

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked her; she hesitated before nodding. I knew she was lying, but there wasn't much else I could do.

There was a knock on the front door and I ran over to open it."Hey Violet! Come on in!" I exclaimed, giving her a small, kind of awkward, hug. She mirrored the same broken smile I had before I got to know Brody. 

"Hey, come up to my room with me, I want to talk to you." I said, looking her in the eye and doing my best to detect her emotion. 

"A-alright." She stammered. From her expression, I could tell she knew exactly what I wanted to talk about, something that she had made me swear to keep between the two of us. 

I walked up the stairs to my room, with Violet following close behind. Her jet black hair was straightened and parts of it were sitting on her shoulders. She had a dark purple streak in it, that looked almost blue. 

We entered my room and closed the door. "So, what's been going on? Why are you unhappy this time? Did Jerry do something again?" I asked her, crossing my arms tightly over my chest. 

She sighed, and did her best to avoid eye contact before she reluctantly nodded her head. I let a long sigh escape my lips and sat down on my bed next to her. 

You see, when I was being abused by one of my mom's ex-boyfriends, I said I hadn't told anyone about it, but I was lying. Violet and I had talked about it. Her mom was married to a guy named Jerry, and he abused her. Sometimes he treated her worse than my mom's ex-boyfriends did to me. Only, her mom doesn't know about it like mine does. 

"What did he do?" I asked her, resting my hand on her shoulder comfortingly. She shook her head; even though she trusts me, it's still hard to tell someone stuff like that.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said, dropping my hand to my side. "No, I'll tell you. He-he, well, the thing is-, when my mom left for work the other day, he tied my up to one of the kitchen cabinets and ducktaped my mouth. He kicked me and punched me, he threw glass at me, I still pick shards out of my skin every now and then. And he took a knife and slit my skin in a few places he knew I could hide, since he doesn't want my mom to see." She said, the wole time her eyes were bloodshot and there were tears slowly falling down her face at the memory. 

"I'm SO sorry Vi, is there anything I can do? I mean, I can talk to Anna and Steve about you staying with us, I know Brody would be okay with the idea since you're one of my friends-" 

"Emma, please, don't worry about it. But if it's okay, I would like to come spend the night every now and then, just so I can get away from him." She said, her eyes pleading and hopeful. She wouldn't let it show verbally, but she was hurting, even more emotionally and mentally than physically. 

"Of course! Anytime you need to." I said, a warm smile on my face. She opened her arms for a hug, which I gave her. She needed someone to be there for her, and I hadn't been that person. 

"Would I be able to tell Ella about this? She can help you too." I said, hoping she might agree. She violently shook her head no. I nodded understandingly. I wouldn't have wanted her to tell anyone about me back when I was a victom. 

Then there was a knock on the door. "Are you guys coming down? Most of the people are here." Ella said through the door. "You ready?" I asked her, and she nodded. 


We walked downstairs where everyone was dancing to the blaring music Ella had started playing. The thing about Anna and Steve, is that they're cool adults, unlike most parents. 

"You wanna dance?" brody asked me, running up the three steps to where we were and held his hand out for me to take. I glanced at Violet, silently asking her if she was okay, and she nodded, as an encouragement for me to go on. I smiled at her gratefully and took Brody's hand. 

He pulled me out to the dance floor where we bounced around to the upbeat music playing loudly. I was self-concious for the first few minutes but then decided all these people could care less about me and I started to spin around and actually dance. 

Then a slow song came on, and Brody rested his hands on my hips and I put mine on his shoulders and we swayed along to the slow beat, the beat almost undetectable. I smiled at him in which he mirrored, before I rested my head on his chest. 

We swayed in sync, letting the music control us. I hadn't been to a party ever, especially not held one, but as far as I was concerned, this was turning out pretty awesome. 

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