greater things

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{epiphany: a moment of sudden revelation}

you walk on the street,
and see girls showing off their bodies.
thinking about pointless boys,
when they could instead become something much greater.

peer pressure is a terrible thing.
it changes us for the worse,
and stops us from living up to our full potential.
how can us girls become who we're meant to be?
how can we make an impact?
when society is constantly putting us down?

why can't we be an astronaut?
why can't we save lives by becoming a doctor?
why can't we help build a family home?
why can't we help regulate the law?
what's stopping us?

why is it so hard,
to be accepted?
it seems like we're supposed to be
someone we're not.

we're supposed to be weak and fragile,
sitting on the couch and doing the dishes,
expected to stay at home when we could be
doing greater things?

a reminder to all the girls out there - you can make a difference.
don't let society stop you from doing what you love best.
- senuri

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