late at night

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it's late at night,
it seems like the only time your thoughts are less
of a foggy cloud in your mind
no, wait, it is.

it's late at night,
nobody is awake
it's just me
and my thoughts.

it's late at night,
my favourite time
when the weight on my shoulders are slightly invisible
until the clock strikes twelve.

it's late at night,
it'll be morning soon
and the cycle starts again
a 'fresh start after a good nights rest,' they say.

it's late at night,
but what is the meaning of a fresh start
when you're still awake with no sleep
and the mindset of yesterday?

hi everyone, sorry for the delay in update time! I never have enough time to gather my thoughts, until today. have any guesses to when I thought of this one? heheh.
and how ironic, it's exactly twelve am where I am!
hope you all are having a wonderful week (:

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