01 | inconspicuous

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inconspicuous: not clearly visible or attracting attention.

it was a summers day, nearing the time of noon, 

when they were all laying in the rich lady's garden bed

she, a lone flower longing to be noticed when the children came running,

but the others' beauty was incomparable to her jagged stem

and so they all went, plucked harshly from their roots one by one.

her dull violet petals started to slowly wither away

when she wasn't able to peel her eyes off the sight ahead

watching them drown in the jug of water placed on the dinner table

the young children unknowingly killing the lovely plants that lay, 

oh, how the flowers of many sorts wished they could go back home.

is it surprising that the inconspicuous violet remained in the garden bed?

but as they continued to perish,

she couldn't help but wish she'd been loved, admired and beautiful,

even it if was for a short period of time,

even if she died, too.


hey everyone! this is actually an updated version of the original poem i wrote back in june (maybe?) of 2017. personally, i think this one is much better. thank you for continuing to read, and hope you liked this one. 

- senuri X

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