06 | lost

559 110 117

it was an ordinary night

or so they thought

she was walking through a desolate alley way

so silent that you could hear the mice scratching the bricks away

she was holding a bag of chocolates in her hand

for her friend in need

they heard her footsteps stumbling over the pavement

in the twenty-third hour of the last day in the year

they decided they wanted to start their new year's resolutions early

gradually, they crept and watched

as her silky dark hair blew with the wind

revealing her soft caramel skin

and went for the kill. 

or, at least, that's what the police say.

we'll never know what happened 

to the nineteen year old brunette that night.

this happens to so many of us. it's a real and serious thing and should not be taken lightly.

 note: i've starting re-arranging my poems in order what i'd like them to be. sorry for the confusion! x

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