12 | conscience

423 84 86

the guilt.
the sort of thing you think you can handle.

until your consciousness becomes out of control.
you begin to lose focus.
you can't think anymore.

all you see, think and hear is the guilt
screaming your name
until it strikes, as still and fast as a bullet
and destroys you.


i can feel myself become more and more twisted.
crazy, dare I say it.
every time my heart feels warmth,
it fades and freezes even more.
my body is numb and I can't control anything.

soon, i don't fear anymore.
because all the mistakes
i've never corrected
have come back to haunt me
until my very last breath.

an instant death. yet, a slow and painful one.

i feel like this would make a good basis for a short story. good idea or no?
would especially love your thoughts on this one! x

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