beautiful mistake

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{penumbra: a half shadow}

that day
you came along
in the form
of water in the sky
a beautiful sight
at first glance.

I was the sunshine
the radiating glow
the innocent girl
oblivious to the hardships of the world
we were so different, but yet so alike.

we took our turns in sharing our ideas of life
I showed you the perfect side of humanity
while you showed me the imperfect side of it
our bond increased,
as well as our heart rates.

but was it meant to be ?
as we grew
you showed me your flaws
and I showed you mine
gradually, we grew apart because of them.

in the end
the sunshine and the rain taught each other many things
which they remembered with their minds
and both took to heart
the two of them knowing that they learnt,
but not loved with all their heart.

because their love became a 
b e a u t i f u l

life is beautiful. even though my internet isn't the best. hope you all enjoyed this over-due update! please click the star if you think it deserves one. x

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