questioning numbers

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a number determines a lot of things,
your age,
your birthday,
your school year,
your friends.

what if numbers didn't exist?
what if we decided what friends we had at school,
regardless of age?

arguably, numbers don't exactly prevent us.
that's agreeable, I will not prevail.
but they are the people we hang around with,
we adjust to them, and get to know them.
and I'm not saying that that's a bad thing.

it might look weird,
and sound just as well,
but why are numbers numbers?
one, two, three;
four, five six.

thirty three, fifty-six, eighty.
wait, that's not the correct order.
but is order good?
don't we all long for freedom at some point?

why are you even asking this?
just live with it.
of course I am,
and I don't necessarily want things to change,
but I'm questioning this,
because the answers to your questions only give you more questions.

well, this just came out of nowhere. probably my longest poem to date, that is, if you would even call it one. it's more like an argument with myself, haha.
I'm curious about your opinions. Do comment if you want to!
- senuri


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