not again

196 39 102

  blanched: grow pale or flinch from shock, fear, or similar emotions. 


it's glorious day and i go outside -

something i haven't been able to do in a lifetime

the fear of someone grabbing me and suffocating me

with their excess cologne and beady black eyes with flecks of gold and red

controlling me

the events as clear as the most cleanly river

still continue to haunt me 

everytime someone glances at my direction for a brief second or so

thinking that maybe it'll happen again

as i continue cautiously walking, 

 i watch young boys and girls on the other side of the park 

from the corner of my sad, sunken, and not-so-bright sandy eyes

laughing and poking each other and speaking the most utterly disrepectful words they could ever say.

'oh my god don't rape me'

'go kill youself'

it fills me with the utmost rage

i can't sit still, i must say
s o m e t h i n g .

but i am frozen like cold glass in my spot, unable to move

almost like i can't comprehend why and what they're saying.

the fear creeps in once it realises i'm not going to do anything

i fall, my emotions controlling me more than i can control them

the once silent sobs gradually becoming louder and louder

as i start to recall the events that night once again

my breathing becoming more shallower by the second

my throat is dry and my lips are cracked and i can't speak 

yet just like last time

nobody even glances a ignorant eye in my direction -

almost like they don't care.

'i don't think i'll go outside again' 

are the last words i manage to mutter somewhat fluently 

as i crouch onto the concrete ground and continue to weep

before my eyes start to flutter close

because i can no longer keep them open long enough

to see the man silhouette slowly advance towards my small figure.


  in a dark mood, sorry :(( but at least I put a word in to improve your vocab lmao

i did some research, and 91.6% of all rape cases are never reported. that's absolutely terrifying. my heart goes out to everyone who's suffered, or had family/friends with the issue.

please, tell someone if someone is touching you inappropriately. it's your body and you shouldn't let others do that to you. if you're uncomfortable, say NO. that's it. words can go a long way.

letting someone know can be the difference between making you or breaking you. 

sorry for the long authors note. x

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